Problem : Read from sharded rabbitmq and write to kafka with only once semantics.
==> I am planning to use Trident for the same.
I have used RabbitMq spout (storm) which has implemented BaseRichSpout ( I can see that it is a non transactional spout, and hence "would not" support only once semantics of Trident. Am I correct?
If I need to build an OpaqueTransactionalSpout for Rabbitmq, Can you give me some hints on how to start or some examples to look intoI wanted to write unit test to check if my Trident Topology supports "Exactly once semantic". Are there any sample Unit tests/examples. The reason I want to write the tests because "Exactly once semantics" depend on Spout also not just on Trident or Storm with my understanding.I have to support sharded Rabbitmq and hence how to connect to more than one queue. I am thinking of using Stream.merge(List<Streams>) after creating once stream for each queue, Is this good idea to do?. Let me know your thoughts on the same. Sriharsha