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Reassignment of a replica across Kafka volumes in a JBOD never completes

Expert Contributor

This is a partition move from one volume to another in a single broker. 


I have started a kafka-reaasign-partitions of a partition from one volume to another but it never completes. Has anyone faced this ? 

  • Kafka cluster is in a healthy state 
  • Controller is fine 
  • source and destination is also fine 
  • The replica is not a leader. 
  • So far havent seen any errors in logs 


The directories look like the below. Here i am moving a partition from sdc to sdf volume. inodes also look fine. 

desind@xxx:~#> sudo du -sh /kafka/data/sdc/prod-events-48
76G /kafka/data/sdc/prod-events-48


desind@xxx:~#> sudo du -sh /kafka/data/sdf/prod-events-48.b82f63b489554ef4b2e2f4c514bc1bc0-future
76G /kafka/data/sdf/prod-events-48.b82f63b489554ef4b2e2f4c514bc1bc0-future

desind@xxx:~#> find /kafka/data -type d -name 'prod-events-48*'





Expert Contributor

Thats wierd. 

So in the log.dirs specify any,any,any  and see if that works 


"partitions": [{
"topic": "foo",
"partition": 1,
"replicas": [1, 2, 3],
"log_dirs": ["any", "any", "any"]
"version": 1


This is what documentation says "Broker will cancel existing movement of the replica if "any" is specified as destination log directory."

View solution in original post


Can you please provide the reassign-partitions command and files that you are using to migrate? What version of CDK are you using?


Expert Contributor

I am using kafka 2.0 


I am moving a partition that is around 76G  . You can see the size from my original post. 


kafka-reassign-partitions --zookeeper xxxx:2181/kafka --execute --reassignment-json-file reassign.json --bootstrap-server xxxx:9092


Can you share the output of verify command for reassign partitions. 


kafka-reassign-partitions --zookeeper xxxx:2181/kafka --verify --reassignment-json-file reassign.json --bootstrap-server xxxx:9092

Expert Contributor

Its been quitesome time that i ran that and dont have the session details. However i think the output would say "reassingment of replica still in progress" .


Reassignment of partition prod-events-45 completed successfully
Reassignment of replica prod-events-45-98 in progress
Reassignment of replica prod-events-45-154 completed successfully
Reassignment of replica prod-events-45-157 completed successfully


I tested this in staging cluster when there are no incoming messages, it works fine.

In production this topic events were being written at 3000 events/sec and the move did not complete. I was able to somehow stop the reassingment without causing any issues to paritions 

Expert Contributor

I just retried it without the --throttle option and it works fine and i was able to sucessfully move two partitions across volumes in same broker. Summary is to use it without throttling. 


I initially tried with throttle and realized it unable to complete the move as the messages are also coming in at a steady pace. i also tried increasing and removing the throttle completely and it did not complete the move. Maybe something is going on with throttle.  


Can you please let me know whether the issue resolved?Am also facing the same issue.Reassignment is still running since 2 days. I ran the reassignment without throttling.

Also after this am seeing old logs files still exists and and retention.bytes is not working

Expert Contributor

Do you have the original assignment ? 

You can stop it by passing the original assignment. It will just revert back. I did this couple of times and it works. 


  1. Now regarding why its not completing can be an IO issue. 
  2. Did you configure this value in the cluster num.replica.alter.log.dirs.threads. ? If  not you might have to set it. 
  3. Also might have to set using the safety valve. 


I read it in this KIP 


Test in staging and then you can implement in prod. 


Before Reassignment the replicas are as below for Topic XXX

Topic: XXXX Partition: 1 Leader: 3 Replicas: 3,0,1


Original Reassignment json file:



For 3 node am moving the partition 1 data from data2 to data1 and for 0 node am moving the partition 1 data from data1 to data3 and for node 8 it is new node


Status of Verify as below

Status of partition reassignment:
Reassignment of partition XXXX-1 completed successfully
Reassignment of replica XXXX-1-3 is still in progress
Reassignment of replica XXXX-1-0 is still in progress
Reassignment of replica XXXX-1-8 completed successfully


I didnt set any values which you mentioned. The problem now here is old logs are not getting deleted and in the logs as seeing error as below 

 INFO [Partition XXXX-1 broker=3] XXXX-1 starts at Leader Epoch 101 from offset 10647332982. Previous Leader Epoch was: 100 (kafka.cluster.Partition)
INFO [Partition XXXX-tapsampleapp-1 broker=3] XXXX-tapsampleapp-1 starts at Leader Epoch 99 from offset 555229. Previous Leader Epoch was: 98 (kafka.cluster.Partition)
INFO [ReplicaAlterLogDirsThread-1]: Partition XXXX-1 has an older epoch (100) than the current leader. Will await the new LeaderAndIsr state before resuming fetching. (kafka.server.ReplicaAlterLogDirsThread)

Intially it created one future folder and tried to do reasignment and then stopped suddenly.


Now my main concern is old logs are not getting deleted and file system is getting full


Expert Contributor

To stop the move run the reassignment  again with --execute option using the original 




Then what you can do is instead of moving it on the same broker try to move the partition to a different broker