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Recommended AWS AMI + Instance types for Centos


I would like to use Centos7x, at least for gateway hosts. With Director 1.5, I never had any luck with Centos or multiple templates in one cluster, so I ended up using a sub-optimal instance type. I would like to use r3 series for gateways.


Director 2.x supports Centos 7x and Centos 7x for cdh5.7 and later; does it matter to Director which kind of hypervisor is used? r3 series is HVM. 


I see that the faq recommends finding AMIs with:

aws ec2 describe-images \
  --output table \
  --query 'Images[*].[VirtualizationType,Name,ImageId]' \
  --owners 309956199498 \
  --filters \
    Name=root-device-type,Values=ebs \
    Name=image-type,Values=machine \
    Name=is-public,Values=true \
    Name=hypervisor,Values=xen \

but this specifies xen and RH. Does that mean only xen is supported? Presumably there is an equivalent AMI search command for centos7x. 


Is it okay to generate a cluster from multiple templates? 




Expert Contributor

Director itself doesn't care whether the AMI uses HVM or PV, but EC2 instance types are often only compatible with a single virtualization type. As you say, Amazon recommends HVM for the R3 instance type.


Here's a pretty good blog post on virtualization types:


That describe-images command is just an example, and you can change the parameters to suit the particular AMI details you are looking for.


View solution in original post


Expert Contributor

I'll answer your last question now, and get back to you with an answer to your questions about AMIs and hypervisors.


Each instance group in a cluster has an associated instance type, and it is common for different groups to use different instance types. For example, the instance type for a gateway will likely differ from the instance type for a master node.


Expert Contributor

Director itself doesn't care whether the AMI uses HVM or PV, but EC2 instance types are often only compatible with a single virtualization type. As you say, Amazon recommends HVM for the R3 instance type.


Here's a pretty good blog post on virtualization types:


That describe-images command is just an example, and you can change the parameters to suit the particular AMI details you are looking for.