Created 05-04-2022 10:10 PM
Hi All, Good Morning!
Please help me in removing Duplicate Records without using cache services (Apache NIFI)Error Log
Created 05-09-2022 12:00 AM
No, Not yet and I am waiting from the client end for confirmation since my clients are abroad and they have access for the same, Would check and let you know the results by tomorrow 10th May 2022. Thanks for the help SAMSAL.
Created 05-12-2022 01:31 PM
I never worked with Hive DB, but if it only takes avro format and you have csv you can use processor ConvertRecrod to convert a record from one format to another. In this processor you create CSV Reader service and the writer is Avro
Created 05-12-2022 09:28 PM
Sure SAMSOL, In Hive DB, I am having a table and no need for any SQL INSERT STATEMENT.
Say HIVE DB Table has XXX, in that I have to put these Data and Error Field, Just convert to Avro works or ??? have to call insert statement processor