I want to use ExecuteStreamCommand to submit a spark job via the shell, and I want to use GenerateFlowFile so that I can detect the spark job failure and RouteOnAttribute as suggested by Matt's answer here.
I think it worked for detecting failure, but I can't make it scheduled correctly.
If i want the whole flow (generation of the flow file, the ExecuteStreamCommand and Routng) to be executed every 1 minute, should I schedule the GenerateFlowFile every 1 minute and leave the ExecuteStreamCommand as default (0 schedule) or should I schedule both.
I tried different combinations but it didn't work properly, I think the GenerateFlowFile keeps generating flow files but the ExecuteStreamCommand don't run multiple times.
another problem is that when I stop the ExecuteStreamCommand processor, it gets stuck, I can't change its configuration and I can't stop or start it again, It didn't work again until I restart NiFi.
Please help.