Created 01-05-2021 02:02 AM
For pre-defined access policy controls access to one or more Schema Registry entities I need to add or enable the schema_registry ranger plugin. But I didn't configure how to enable or add in Service Manager for cm_schema_registy Policy List.
Here is the link to Cloudera documentation for schema registry in ranger service.
Schema registry security add-in ranger
for example:
As the documentation, ranger manage service seems like,
But in my ranger service manager, didn’t see the cm_schema_registry policy.
So, my question is how to enable or add or user control schema registry from ranger service?
Created 01-19-2021 06:33 AM
I have the same problem.
I believe there is a problem in the creation of the schemaregistry user, and the service.
Created 01-19-2021 09:49 AM
Hi @sujonict07,
The process for creating the service along with it user should be automatic.
Have you tried unchecking the *Ranger Service* checkbox in Schema Registry?
Also, have you tried to run the Setup Ranger Plugin Service in Ranger actions?
Created 07-11-2021 01:41 PM
Every service should have the KRB5_CONFIG variable exported in its own safety valves.
As per the doc -
Thanks & Regards,