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Secured WebHDFS HA with HAProxy


Has anyone made HAProxy work with Kerberos-ed WebHDFS for HA?

I've been trying to but couldn't make it work. Now I'm testing with the simplest haproxy.cfg like below

frontend main *:50070
    default_backend app
backend app
    server node2 node2.localdomain:50070 check

Also spnego.servie.keytab on NamaNode is:

[root@node2 keytabs]# klist -k spnego.service.keytab
Keytab name: FILE:spnego.service.keytab
KVNO Principal
---- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
   1 HTTP/node1.localdomain@HO-UBU02
   1 HTTP/node1.localdomain@HO-UBU02
   1 HTTP/node1.localdomain@HO-UBU02
   1 HTTP/node1.localdomain@HO-UBU02
   1 HTTP/node2.localdomain@HO-UBU02
   1 HTTP/node2.localdomain@HO-UBU02
   1 HTTP/node2.localdomain@HO-UBU02
   1 HTTP/node2.localdomain@HO-UBU02

And getting "HTTP/1.1 403 GSSException: Failure unspecified at GSS-API level (Mechanism level: Checksum failed)"

Or which tool/software would you use for WebHDFS with Kerberos for HA if no Knox and no hadoop-httpfs?



Hello @Hajime San,

Since you have enabled Kerberos & SPNego for both NameNode and then when you make a request to HAProxy URL, curl generates a Kerberos authenticator. This contains principal name (your user), Kerberos service principal name (HTTP/<ha-proxy-node> OR HTTP/node1.localdomain) among other session details. When this authenticator reaches the NameNode (node2.localdomain), it checks that the received authenticator is intended for a service running with 'HTTP/node1.localdomain' service principal. Since the name of NameNode service principal name (HTTP/node1.loc doesn't match with HTTP/node2.localdomain, the error like 'checksum failed' is returned.

To fix this name mismatching, you need to specify "dfs.web.authentication.kerberos.principal=*" in HDFS configuration in Ambari, so that NameNode can allow other principal name as well.

Hope this helps !

View solution in original post



@Hajime - Please see below Apache Documentation for WebHdfs Authentication:

As stated in point 2 for Kerberos enabled cluster you can do kinit with Spengo Principal and perform the webhdfs operation.

Can you please paste the command you are trying and the stack trace to debug further?

[root@node1 ~]# curl -i --negotiate -u : 'http://node1.localdomain:50070/webhdfs/v1/tmp/?op=LISTSTATUS'
HTTP/1.1 401 Authentication required
Cache-Control: must-revalidate,no-cache,no-store
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2017 00:05:33 GMT
Pragma: no-cache
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2017 00:05:33 GMT
Pragma: no-cache
Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate
Set-Cookie: hadoop.auth=; Path=/; HttpOnly
Content-Length: 1408
Server: Jetty(6.1.26.hwx)

HTTP/1.1 403 GSSException: Failure unspecified at GSS-API level (Mechanism level: Checksum failed)
Cache-Control: must-revalidate,no-cache,no-store
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2017 00:05:33 GMT
Pragma: no-cache
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2017 00:05:33 GMT
Pragma: no-cache
Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
Set-Cookie: hadoop.auth=; Path=/; HttpOnly
Content-Length: 1532
Server: Jetty(6.1.26.hwx)

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"/>
<title>Error 403 GSSException: Failure unspecified at GSS-API level (Mechanism level: Checksum failed)</title>
<body><h2>HTTP ERROR 403</h2>
<p>Problem accessing /webhdfs/v1/tmp/. Reason:
<pre>    GSSException: Failure unspecified at GSS-API level (Mechanism level: Checksum failed)</pre></p><hr /><i><small>Powered by Jetty://</small></i><br/>

I'm getting this.

Also if I use a delegation token, it works, but normal user wouldn't not know how to get own delegation token... 😞


Can you please share your hdfs-site.xml file.


Sure! Thank you for taking a look at this issue.



Can you please paste the output of running below commands :

kinit -kt /etc/security/keytabs/spnego.service.keytab HTTP/node2.localdomain@HO-UBU02
curl -i --negotiate -u : 'http://node2.localdomain:50070/webhdfs/v1/tmp/?op=LISTSTATUS'


@Namit Maheshwari Node2 is Active NameNode right now (node1 is HAProxy server)

I changed to curl -I, if you prefer curl -i, let me know. Thank you!

[root@node2 ~]# kdestroy
kdestroy: No credentials cache found while destroying cache
[root@node2 ~]# kinit -kt /etc/security/keytabs/spnego.service.keytab HTTP/node2.localdomain@HO-UBU02
[root@node2 ~]# klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
Default principal: HTTP/node2.localdomain@HO-UBU02

Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
03/23/17 00:54:33  03/23/17 10:54:33  krbtgt/HO-UBU02@HO-UBU02
        renew until 03/30/17 00:54:33
[root@node2 ~]# curl -I --negotiate -u : 'http://node2.localdomain:50070/webhdfs/v1/tmp/?op=LISTSTATUS'
HTTP/1.1 401 Authentication required
Cache-Control: must-revalidate,no-cache,no-store
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2017 00:55:47 GMT
Pragma: no-cache
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2017 00:55:47 GMT
Pragma: no-cache
Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate
Set-Cookie: hadoop.auth=; Path=/; HttpOnly
Content-Length: 1408
Server: Jetty(6.1.26.hwx)

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Cache-Control: no-cache
Expires: Thu, 23 Mar 2017 00:55:47 GMT
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2017 00:55:47 GMT
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: Thu, 23 Mar 2017 00:55:47 GMT
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2017 00:55:47 GMT
Pragma: no-cache
Content-Type: application/json
Set-Cookie: hadoop.auth="u=HTTP&p=HTTP/node2.localdomain@HO-UBU02&t=kerberos&e=1490266548000&s=HN3jepaKuYI5iKYfJ5IW1wHxJ3M="; Path=/; HttpOnly
Content-Length: 0
Server: Jetty(6.1.26.hwx)

[root@node2 ~]#


So, this works fine as expected when we provide the Active Namenode in the curl call instead of the Proxy server.

Yeah, I don't think we can work around this by using a proxy. There is an Apache Jira already open for the issue:

For now I think you can either use the way we did above, or have Knox / Httpfs


Hello @Hajime San,

Since you have enabled Kerberos & SPNego for both NameNode and then when you make a request to HAProxy URL, curl generates a Kerberos authenticator. This contains principal name (your user), Kerberos service principal name (HTTP/<ha-proxy-node> OR HTTP/node1.localdomain) among other session details. When this authenticator reaches the NameNode (node2.localdomain), it checks that the received authenticator is intended for a service running with 'HTTP/node1.localdomain' service principal. Since the name of NameNode service principal name (HTTP/node1.loc doesn't match with HTTP/node2.localdomain, the error like 'checksum failed' is returned.

To fix this name mismatching, you need to specify "dfs.web.authentication.kerberos.principal=*" in HDFS configuration in Ambari, so that NameNode can allow other principal name as well.

Hope this helps !


Thanks to @Vipin Rathor, I was able to setup HAProxy for Kerberos-ed WebHDFS.

After that needed some changes for Ambari, so wrote: (日本語)