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Solve this putty problem


After that map reduce error, i just typed yum -y update, suddenly the putty ended up with with inactive, i just closed and tried it says NETWORK:ERROR, i uninstall but still facing the same issue, please solve this error




Super Collaborator

your ssh session was killed, and now you are not able to connect again to the ssh daemon. there are many possible reasons that could cause this. the simplest way to solve the issue will be to use the console. either you have physical access to the server or you should have a serial console (most hosters have a web page to access the console).

if you can't connect to the console, you'll have to check you connection settings in putty. you told that you reinstalled putty? have you configured it properly again? ip address or hostname, did you use a key to login or a password? and maybe very basic but have you tried pinging the server first? does the server respond?


No the server doesn't respond, am using virtual box for hortonworks engine where putty is the intermediate, so please help me how to use console so that I can further continue to study the map reduce @Harald Berghoff

Super Collaborator

are you running the virtual box locally on your windows workstation? If so, your virtual box should be able to provide you the console as a window on your workstation. Do you use Oracle VirtualBox, VMWare Workstation or Hyper-V tp run it, or maybe some other software?

Super Collaborator

Just tried to check your screen shots, can it be that your virutal machine console is already open in your screen background? I am just wondering as on the top it is displayed "viewing Saravanan Chandran'..."

What can you see on that window?


Hi harald, i am remotely connecting him for taking class, am using oracle virtual box @Harald Berghoff


I am using Oracle Virtual Box and am connecting for him for online class @Harald Berghoff


Share ipconfig from command prompt on local windows and ifconfig from your oracle Linux... Check and compare ip address sequence and subnet mask.



I attached the ipconif of both linux and local machine Neeraj Singh45713-fdfg.png


Hi Neeraj Singh will share the image of both by tomorrow please, as my student slept now this time, i will say to sahre the image of that, and by that please guide me how to solve the error