Created 07-02-2016 01:37 PM
as the title show is it possible upgrade spark from 1.6.1 to 1.6.2 on HDP2.4.2 with ambari 2.2.1 installed.
Thanks in advance.
Created 09-21-2016 02:24 PM
As you already know, Spark 1.6.1 is part of HDP 2.4.2. While is technically possible to upgrade to 1.6.2, it is not supported by Hortonworks. There may be other implications for Zeppelin and other tools from the ecosystem based on how your applications are built and executed. If you have paid support, make sure that you contact support before proceeding.
Created 07-03-2016 01:07 AM
If you are on Spark 1.6.x, it is strongly recommended to upgrade to Spark stable release of 1.6.2.
Created 09-21-2016 02:24 PM
As you already know, Spark 1.6.1 is part of HDP 2.4.2. While is technically possible to upgrade to 1.6.2, it is not supported by Hortonworks. There may be other implications for Zeppelin and other tools from the ecosystem based on how your applications are built and executed. If you have paid support, make sure that you contact support before proceeding.