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Spark Streaming / Hive + Kafka: Only one Worker active

Expert Contributor

I wrote a Kafka producer, that sends some simulated data to a Kafka stream (replication-factor 3, one partition).


Now, I want to access this data by using Hive and/or Spark Streaming. 


First approach: Using an external Hive table with KafkaStorageHandler:

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE mydb.kafka_timeseriestest (
description string,
version int,
ts timestamp,
varname string,
varvalue float
STORED BY 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.kafka.KafkaStorageHandler'
"kafka.topic" = "testtopic",

-- e.g. SELECT max(varvalue) from mydb.kafka_timeseriestest;
-- takes too long, and only one Tez task is running


Second approach: Writing a Spark Streaming app, that accesses the Kafka topic:

// started with 10 executors, but only one executor is active

JavaInputDStream<ConsumerRecord<String, String>> stream = KafkaUtils.createDirectStream(jssc, LocationStrategies.PreferConsistent(), ConsumerStrategies.<String, String>Subscribe(topics, kafkaParams));


In both cases, only one Tez/Spark worker is active. Therefore reading all data (~500 million entries) takes a very long time. How can I increase the performance? Is the issue caused by the one-partition topic? If yes, is there a rule of thumb according to which the number of partitions should be determined?


I'm using a HDP 3.1 cluster, running Spark, Hive and Kafka on multiple nodes:

  • dataNode1 - dataNode3: Hive + Spark + Kafka broker
  • dataNode4 - dataNode8: Hive + Spark 

Expert Contributor

To answer my own question: Since I'm using multiple partitions for the Kafka topic, Spark uses more executors to process the data. Also Hive/Tez creates as many worker containers as the topic contains partitions.

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Expert Contributor

To answer my own question: Since I'm using multiple partitions for the Kafka topic, Spark uses more executors to process the data. Also Hive/Tez creates as many worker containers as the topic contains partitions.