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Sqoop - dynamically import from SQL server
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Apache Sqoop
Created on 12-30-2015 10:45 AM - edited 09-16-2022 02:55 AM
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I have a log table on SQL server, it tells me which tables need to be loaded into HDFS. Can I use sqoop to loop through the log table and load only the tables flagged out?
Created 12-30-2015 07:46 PM
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@Grace Xu you'd have something like below, remove call to print when your import statement is ready. Test this first obviously.
collection = ['tbl1', 'tbl2', 'tbl3']
for i in collection:
print 'sqoop import --connnect <connect-str> --table ' + i + ' --target-dir /dest/' + i
keep in mind this is Python so take care of your indents, at this point your most important work is to figure out how to populate your collection. Cheers!
Created 12-30-2015 01:39 PM
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@Grace Xu you might need to write a shell script to get a list of tables and iterate through the collection to sqoop.
Created 12-30-2015 01:51 PM
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Thanks. And do you know how the sqoop query looks like to iterate through a collection and distribute these to different directories?
Created 12-30-2015 03:48 PM
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Your wrapper script will be generating a sqoop command and substituting values when invoking sqoop multiple times. Use any scripting language you are comfortable with and which can access your RDBMS.
Created 12-30-2015 07:46 PM
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@Grace Xu you'd have something like below, remove call to print when your import statement is ready. Test this first obviously.
collection = ['tbl1', 'tbl2', 'tbl3']
for i in collection:
print 'sqoop import --connnect <connect-str> --table ' + i + ' --target-dir /dest/' + i
keep in mind this is Python so take care of your indents, at this point your most important work is to figure out how to populate your collection. Cheers!
Created 12-30-2015 07:47 PM
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@Grace Xu Here is another approach for you (a script will definitely work as well but will not make use of oozie)
I believe we can make use of decision node and do the following to get this done via oozie -
Assumption: I am assuming the log table has some kind of id (log_entry_id) associated with the table names along with some other attributes that can be used by sqoop job like (HDFS/Hive destination, columns to import - IF not all etc)
This flow can be adjusted to match whatever constraints and existing design you are working with. For e.g. you can use the table name from the log if you do not have an id. Also, you may have some tables that were relevant (active) in past but not any more so you may have active flag in log table that can be utilized in the 2) Shell action below to figure out if that table has to be imported or not.. etc etc.. you get the idea.
This is a general structure that can be customized.
the WorkFlow will have the following key steps - 1) Java action - Write a small java program that uses JDBC to connect to SQL Server, reads the data from log table and creates a comma delimited file on HDFS like /tmp/inegst-tables.txt 2) Shell action (Input parameter : log_entry_id) - read the file from HDFS and get the line starting with (log_entry_id+1). The script will output the value in Java Properties format (like param1=value1,param2=vaule2) etc.. The workflow node will capture the output value for use in the subsequent steps. If the shell script did not find the next row, it will return -1. 3) Decision Node - if the value is less than 0, then go to END else go to sqoop node 4) Sqoop Node - Execute sqoop task using the table name, destination etc received from the Shell action capture output. On success go to previous Shell Action else go to End Workflow Execution : When executing the workflow a default starting value of 0 will be provided for log_entry_id.
Created 01-04-2016 02:07 PM
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Dear Grace,
We can start with this template and improve it :
kinit ......
hdfs dfs -rm -r hdfs://....
sqoop import --connect "jdbc:sqlserver://....:1433;username=.....;password=….;database=....DB" --table ..... \
-m 1 --where "...... > 0"
if [ $CR -ne 0 ]; then
echo 'Sqoop job failed'
exit 1
hdfs dfs -cat hdfs://...../* > export_fs_table.txt
if [ $CR -ne 0 ]; then
echo 'hdfs cat failed'
exit 1
while IFS=',' read -r id tablename nbr flag; do
sqoop import --connect "jdbc:sqlserver://......:1433;username=......;password=......;database=.......DB" --table $tablename
if [ $CR -ne 0 ]; then
echo 'sqoop import failed for '$tablename
exit 1
done < export_fs_table.txt
Kind regards