Created on 04-12-2016 03:53 PM - edited 09-16-2022 03:13 AM
I am a Cloudera noob. I first tried to install Impala with CLoudera Manager and failed miserably. Did the same without Cloudera manager by following the link below.
Have done everything in that link and finally when I tried to run a query from inside the impala shell, I get the following message.
"Query: create database sample
ERROR: AnalysisException: This Impala daemon is not ready to accept user requests. Status: Waiting for catalog update from the StateStore."
Please help. Thanks in advance.
Created 04-12-2016 03:56 PM
updating the link
Created 04-12-2016 04:01 PM
Also, when I use the following command for the first time, the service starts properly.
sudo service impala-catalog start
After a few seconds when I check the status it says
* Impala Catalog Server is dead and pid file exists
Could this have anything to do with my problem?
Created 10-07-2016 10:52 PM
I have the same problem .
I check the catalog server log and found that the MySQL driver hive using is not consistent to The MySQL-server.
Fix it ,and all is ok.
Created 07-21-2017 05:03 AM
I am new to this CDH distribution and it happens I have the same issue here...
Did you resolve this problem and how exactly?
Created 07-21-2017 09:42 PM
if you are not using cloudera manager then fire this command to see your status of the statestore
Check 1 - see if you have software installed in Host that you are trying sudo yum install --assumeyes impala-state-store sudo yum install --assumeyes impala-catalog
Check 2 sudo service impala-state-store status if it is in failed state - check the logs /var/log/impala/ if it is in stop state start by firing this command sudo service impala-state-store start then check the status again sudo service impala-state-store status
if you are using CM please let me know the version of CM/CDH plus your OS version / Kernel version
meantime check the instance to see if it is all green / red - I mean the Impala daemons (State store , catalog , impala daemon )
Let me know if that works
Created 12-13-2017 12:00 AM
I just restart catalog server and statestore server. Then it works
Created 12-13-2017 10:35 PM
@NguyenBac I am glad that it worked
Created 02-15-2018 10:56 PM
Restart of hive metastore server and hive server worked for me.
Created 02-02-2020 09:57 PM
How you restart could you please tell step wise