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Step by step setup for Sandbox Needed

New Contributor

I am a beginner and following the Learning the Ropes tutorial and am unable to connect to the welcome screen. I have spent a few days trying different hosts file modifications and different browser address and none seem to work. I have also tried all these on a PC and Mac trying both VMware and VirtualBox. I have stuck with VirtualBox because it seem like the one people are most using in the forum questions. Can anyone please provide an actual step by step?

Things I have tried:

host file - localhost vs vs 192.168.XX.XX localhost

browser ips: vs localhost:8888 vs 192.168.XX.XX:8888

Firewall is NOT enabled

Also there are three choices when I start the VirtualBox

CentOs Linux (4.12.4-1.elrepo.x86_64) 7 (Core) - this generates a blank screen

CentOS Linux (3.10.0-514.26.2.el7.x86_64) 7 (Core) - this generates a blank screen

CentOS Linux (0-rescue-6f5d5e9d826b4471ad0elf7a92e697dd) 7 (Core) - this works and brings up the screen seen in the tutorial

Can someone explain this? Sorry I am a true beginner.


Master Mentor

@John Koop

You will have to give this last try I downloaded a VM image a couple of hours ago. And below is what I exactly did.

1. Network I used Bridged Adapter

2. Memory 12 GB

3. Booted the sandbox

4. on the initial login <ALt + F5>

5. password root/hadoop

6. At the prompt as root

7. switched to the docker image

# ssh -p2222 root@ 
# ambari-admin-password-reset 

entered admin and confirmed

7. The above step initialized the ambari server and successfully

8. Could access ambari UI through


There we go

Super Collaborator

FYI, the tutorial has recently been updated:

Learning the Ropes of the Hortonworks Sandbox