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Store Nifi Workflows in Azure Devops

Rising Star

Hi all, 


I have been trying to store my Nifi workflows (via Nifi Registry) onto Azure Devops. I need little help in identifying the appropriate "flowPersistenceProvider" for Azure Devops that needs to be modified in providers.xml file. 


Ps: so far, I have connected Nifi Registry to Github and its a success. I need same functionality for Azure Devops now. 


Looking forward to any guidelines. 



@Kiranq I do not believe you can replace NiFi Registry directly with Azure DevOps.  You would need to keep integration with the Nifi Registry and a github integration into an Azure Devops repo. 

New Contributor

If you meant Storing Apache NiFi Versioned Flows in a Git Repository hosted on Azure DevOps, then the steps should be similar to the steps you followed to connect to Github.

The appropriate flowPersistenceProvider is GitFlowPersistenceProvider.

You can follow the steps as mentioned here: Storing Apache NiFi Versioned Flows in a Git Repos... - Cloudera Community - 248713

Or the video:


Only changes you would have to do is to generate PAT in Azure DevOps with permissions on code read, write, modify.

P.S. The solution is only available for Git under Azure DevOps, and not for TFS.