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Thrift exception: Bad status: 3 (Unsupported mechanism type PLAIN) from HUE 3.11


After kerberization of hadoop cluster we are getting below error with HIVE from HUE 3.11. Please provide your valuable suggestions to resolve the issue.



Bad status: 3 (Unsupported mechanism type PLAIN)


HUE 3.11 version log:

[21/Nov/2016 09:30:13 -0500] thrift_util INFO Thrift exception; retrying: Bad status: 3 (Unsupported mechanism type PLAIN)
[21/Nov/2016 09:30:13 -0500] thrift_util INFO Thrift exception; retrying: Bad status: 3 (Unsupported mechanism type PLAIN)
[21/Nov/2016 09:30:13 -0500] thrift_util WARNING Out of retries for thrift call: GetSchemas
[21/Nov/2016 09:30:13 -0500] thrift_util INFO Thrift saw a transport exception: Bad status: 3 (Unsupported mechanism type PLAIN)


Super Guru
Is the hive-site.xml on the Hue machine correctly updated?