Created 12-24-2020 02:20 AM
Dear Team,
Problem Statement: While creating new topics ISR for all the topics getting shrink automatically, even though we created topic it was throwing below errors in kafka server.log.
We have tried below steps as per the URL but no luck 😞
cleaner-offset-checkpoint , .lock , recovery-point-offset-checkpoint , replication-offset-checkpoint
Logs for reference found in server.log
[2020-12-24 00:22:23,481] ERROR [ReplicaFetcherThread-0-1002], Error for partition [__consumer_offsets,9] to broker 1002:org.apache.kafka.common.errors.NotLeaderForPartitionException: This server is not the leader for that topic-partition. (kafka.server.ReplicaFetcherThread)
[2020-12-24 00:18:59,924] ERROR [ReplicaFetcherThread-0-1002], Error for partition [__consumer_offsets,36] to broker 1002:org.apache.kafka.common.errors.UnknownServerException: The server experienced an unexpected error when processing the request (kafka.server.ReplicaFetcherThread)
[2020-12-24 00:18:59,951] ERROR [ReplicaFetcherThread-0-1002], Error for partition [__consumer_offsets,45] to broker 1002:org.apache.kafka.common.errors.UnknownServerException: The server experienced an unexpected error when processing the request (kafka.server.ReplicaFetcherThread)
[2020-12-24 01:14:20,923] INFO Partition [__consumer_offsets,14] on broker 1003: Shrinking ISR for partition [__consumer_offsets,14] from 1002,1003,1001 to 1002,1003 (kafka.cluster.Partition)
[2020-12-24 01:14:20,925] INFO Partition [__consumer_offsets,32] on broker 1003: Shrinking ISR for partition [__consumer_offsets,32] from 1002,1003,1001 to 1002,1003 (kafka.cluster.Partition)
[2020-12-24 01:14:20,927] INFO Partition [__consumer_offsets,29] on broker 1003: Shrinking ISR for partition [__consumer_offsets,29] from 1003,1002,1001 to 1003,1002 (kafka.cluster.Partition)
[2020-12-24 01:14:20,928] INFO Partition [__consumer_offsets,44] on broker 1003: Shrinking ISR for partition [__consumer_offsets,44] from 1003,1002,1001 to 1003,1002 (kafka.cluster.Partition)
Please suggest on this and Thanks in advance.
Created 01-03-2021 01:48 PM
Can you share the syntax for the topic creation? Is you cluster kerberized? Is your Ranger Kafka plugin enabled?
Please response and tag me!
Created 02-16-2021 10:23 PM
@Shelton ,
-Syntax of topic creation : --create --topic "topic_name" --partitions 1 --replication-factor 2 --zookeeper broker_Fqdn1:2181,broker_Fqdn2:2181,broker_Fqdn3:2181
-Yes my cluster is kerberized.
-Yes ranger Kafka plugin is enabled
Thanks in advance.
Created 02-16-2021 11:04 PM
Can you change your syntax as below, note the zookeeper ensemble
/bin/ --create \
--zookeeper zk1:2181,zk2:2181,zk3:2181 \
--topic "topic_name" \
--partitions 1> \
--replication-factor 2
Hope that helps
Created 03-01-2021 11:25 PM
Any updates? Do you still need help?
Created 06-03-2021 12:43 AM
@Shelton ,
sorry for replying late,
The syntax you gave is the same we used to create the topic, but one doubt is the ">" which is after 1 is typo error or the valid syntax. Also, we are using zk to create topics.
--partitions 1> \
Still, i can see the error in Kafka:
WARN [ReplicaFetcherThread-0-1001], Error in fetch kafka.server.ReplicaFetcherThread$FetchRequest@11c4fb92 (kafka.server.ReplicaFetcherThread) Connection to 1001 was disconnected before the response was read
Thankyou for help in advance
Created on 06-03-2021 01:57 PM - edited 06-03-2021 02:21 PM