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Unable to query for supported packages using /usr/bin/hdp-select


I am installing a 6 node cluster with 1 as ambari-server and rest other as agents.


HDP version:3.0

I am getting error at the installation stage where it is not able to find hdp-select file for versions.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/var/lib/ambari-agent/cache/stack-hooks/before-INSTALL/scripts/", line 37, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib/ambari-agent/lib/resource_management/libraries/script/", line 363, in execute
  File "/usr/lib/ambari-agent/lib/resource_management/libraries/script/", line 222, in save_component_version_to_structured_out
    stack_select_package_name = stack_select.get_package_name()
  File "/usr/lib/ambari-agent/lib/resource_management/libraries/functions/", line 109, in get_package_name
    package = get_packages(PACKAGE_SCOPE_STACK_SELECT, service_name, component_name)
  File "/usr/lib/ambari-agent/lib/resource_management/libraries/functions/", line 223, in get_packages
    supported_packages = get_supported_packages()
  File "/usr/lib/ambari-agent/lib/resource_management/libraries/functions/", line 147, in get_supported_packages
    raise Fail("Unable to query for supported packages using {0}".format(stack_selector_path))
resource_management.core.exceptions.Fail: Unable to query for supported packages using /usr/bin/hdp-select

Master Mentor

@Shraddha Singh

The current directory has links to /usr/hdp/3..0.x/{hdp_component} in your case, the below is from my HDP 2.6.5. so you should have copied those directories to /usr/hdp/3.0.x/ and do the tedious work to recreate symlinks from /usr/hdp/current as seen below, quite a good exercise. If this is a test cluster and most probably a single node

# tree /usr/hdp/current/
├── atlas-client -> /usr/hdp/
├── atlas-server -> /usr/hdp/
├── falcon-client -> /usr/hdp/
├── falcon-server -> /usr/hdp/
├── hadoop-client -> /usr/hdp/
├── hadoop-hdfs-client -> /usr/hdp/
├── hadoop-hdfs-datanode -> /usr/hdp/
├── hadoop-hdfs-journalnode -> /usr/hdp/
├── hadoop-hdfs-namenode -> /usr/hdp/
├── hadoop-hdfs-nfs3 -> /usr/hdp/
├── hadoop-hdfs-portmap -> /usr/hdp/
├── hadoop-hdfs-secondarynamenode -> /usr/hdp/
├── hadoop-hdfs-zkfc -> /usr/hdp/
├── hadoop-httpfs -> /usr/hdp/
├── hadoop-mapreduce-client -> /usr/hdp/
├── hadoop-mapreduce-historyserver -> /usr/hdp/
├── hadoop-yarn-client -> /usr/hdp/
├── hadoop-yarn-nodemanager -> /usr/hdp/
├── hadoop-yarn-resourcemanager -> /usr/hdp/
├── hadoop-yarn-timelineserver -> /usr/hdp/
├── hbase-client -> /usr/hdp/
├── hbase-master -> /usr/hdp/
├── hbase-regionserver -> /usr/hdp/
├── hive-client -> /usr/hdp/
├── hive-metastore -> /usr/hdp/
├── hive-server2 -> /usr/hdp/
├── hive-server2-hive2 -> /usr/hdp/
├── hive-webhcat -> /usr/hdp/
├── kafka-broker -> /usr/hdp/
├── knox-server -> /usr/hdp/
├── livy2-client -> /usr/hdp/
├── livy2-server -> /usr/hdp/
├── livy-client -> /usr/hdp/
├── oozie-client -> /usr/hdp/
├── oozie-server -> /usr/hdp/
├── phoenix-client -> /usr/hdp/
├── phoenix-server -> /usr/hdp/
├── pig-client -> /usr/hdp/
├── ranger-admin -> /usr/hdp/
├── ranger-tagsync -> /usr/hdp/
├── ranger-usersync -> /usr/hdp/
├── shc -> /usr/hdp/
├── slider-client -> /usr/hdp/
├── spark2-client -> /usr/hdp/
├── spark2-historyserver -> /usr/hdp/
├── spark2-thriftserver -> /usr/hdp/
├── spark-client -> /usr/hdp/
├── spark-historyserver -> /usr/hdp/
├── spark_llap -> /usr/hdp/
├── spark-thriftserver -> /usr/hdp/
├── sqoop-client -> /usr/hdp/
├── sqoop-server -> /usr/hdp/
├── storm-slider-client -> /usr/hdp/
├── tez-client -> /usr/hdp/
├── zeppelin-server -> /usr/hdp/
├── zookeeper-client -> /usr/hdp/
└── zookeeper-server -> /usr/hdp/
55 directories, 2 files

I would advise you if possible to re-install it completely and have a clean environment.



I have reinstalled and ran yum clean all, below is the output I am getting

#hdp-select versions

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/bin/hdp-select", line 456, in <module> printVersions() File "/bin/hdp-select", line 295, in printVersions for f in os.listdir(root): OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/usr/hdp'

# hdp-select | grep hadoop

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/bin/hdp-select", line 456, in <module> printVersions() File "/bin/hdp-select", line 295, in printVersions for f in os.listdir(root): OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/usr/hdp' [root@devaz01 ~]# hdp-select | grep hadoop hadoop-client - None hadoop-hdfs-client - None hadoop-hdfs-datanode - None hadoop-hdfs-journalnode - None hadoop-hdfs-namenode - None hadoop-hdfs-nfs3 - None hadoop-hdfs-portmap - None hadoop-hdfs-secondarynamenode - None hadoop-hdfs-zkfc - None hadoop-httpfs - None hadoop-mapreduce-client - None hadoop-mapreduce-historyserver - None hadoop-yarn-client - None hadoop-yarn-nodemanager - None hadoop-yarn-registrydns - None hadoop-yarn-resourcemanager - None hadoop-yarn-timelinereader - None hadoop-yarn-timelineserver - None

#ls -lart /usr/hdp

ls: cannot access /usr/hdp: No such file or directory

#ls -lart /usr/hdp/current/

ls: cannot access /usr/hdp/current/: No such file or directory

Master Mentor

@Shraddha Singh

While checking /usr/hdp/current folder there are no files available.


This is normal ... If your ambari cluster installation is not done successfully via ambari then the HDP binaries will not be installed to the cluster hosts and hence you will not see the directories inside the "/usr/hdp"

Once the HDP installation is started/completed then you will see the hsp-select command returning results by looking the contents inside the "/usr/hdp" directory.


I deleted the conf file under /usr/hdp/ and reinstalled services using Ambari UI and it worked.


For me the solution to this issue was just reinstalling the ambari-agent. Maybe it was partially installed somehow.