Created on
11:57 AM
- last edited on
02:44 PM
Hi Team,
We are trying to insert data into Hive QL , however it's failing.
Error message as under :
The error message is as under
ERROR : Failed to execute tez graph. The ownership on the staging directory hdfs://<OneFSShare>.dev.cds:8020/tmp/hive/<hive_user>/_tez_session_dir/f8ad4086-ef7b-4194-a050-d15dba6913ca is not as expected. It is owned by root. The directory must be owned by the submitter <hive_user> or by <hive_user>
Pls suggest.
The following folder is owned by root instead of <hive-user>
Created 03-24-2020 09:19 AM
In a usual setup, the hive service should run on a master node and you run hive client on the client nodes ie. edge nodes and data nodes because during deployment Ambari copies the master configuration to all clients host e.g copy hive config to all host where hive client has been installed.
Created 03-24-2020 09:28 AM
Right @Shelton
Is there any way to modify service user account in Ambari
we need to change value for hive to hive_xxxx which has been configured at Isilon side.
Due to this we are getting hive error & it needs to be fixed as above as per Linux admin team.
within Ambari we need to change following hive user to hive_xxx
Hive User | hive |
Created 03-24-2020 10:35 AM
Hi @Shelton
Is it possible to change the service user name through linux?
If so pls share the details.
Thanks !
Created 03-24-2020 11:24 AM
Yes, its possible first questions first Don't attempt this if this is a production cluster !!! Only when it's your scratch/dev cluster.
After the above response, we can come up with a procedure
Created 03-26-2020 12:10 AM
Hi @Shelton,
HDP version is 3.0.1
We managed to change the hive user name in service accounts.
However , hive is unable to come up with below error
Error: org.apache.hive.jdbc.ZooKeeperHiveClientException : Unable to read HiveServer2 configs from ZooKeeper (state=,code=0)
Pls advise.
Thanks !
Created 03-26-2020 12:29 AM
Created 03-26-2020 12:38 AM
Hi @dayphache
Could you pls elaborate your response ?
I can see only 33 in the reply , didin't get what it means.
Created 03-26-2020 03:40 AM
getting below error for HivServer2
2020-03-26 05:36:05,838 - call['/usr/hdp/current/zookeeper-client/bin/ -server <master node server>:2181,,<date node server>:2181 ls /hiveserver2 | grep 'serverUri=''] {} 2020-03-26 05:36:06,497 - call returned (1, 'Node does not exist: /hiveserver2') 2020-03-26 05:36:06,498 - Will retry 1 time(s), caught exception: ZooKeeper node /hiveserver2 is not ready yet. Sleeping for 10 sec(s)
Created 03-26-2020 04:01 AM
There is something you got to investigate. The correct output should look like below. I remember answering such a question something I need to locate the solution
[zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) o] ls /hiveserver2 [;version=1.2.1000.;sequence=0000000061] [zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 1]
Can you get the ACL for that znode
[zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 0] getAcl /hiveserver2
: cdrwa
[zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 1]
The above is for a non-kerberized cluster . Please revert
Created 03-26-2020 04:10 AM
Hi @Shelton
Getting same message
[zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 8] getAcl /hiveserver2
Node does not exist: /hiveserver2
[zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 9]