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Unable to set up 3 Node NiFi cluster on Windows 10


Hi , Am a beginner in NiFi and just started to know cluster configurations an all.


Am trying to run Nifi as a 3 node cluster on Windows 10, with the configuration settings, set in all 3 conf files as mentioned below. But still its failing to start NiFi as a 3 node cluster. Please help in creating this cluster configuration

Below are the settings done on my files


state-management.xml file

<property name="Connect String">node1:2181,node2:2181,node3:2181</property>
<property name="Root Node">/nifi</property>
<property name="Session Timeout">10 seconds</property>
<property name="Access Control">Open</property>

zookeper properties



nifi properties:


In other 2 nodes the host name are placed respectively as (node2 , node3)


2020-02-11 20:29:20,237 INFO [main] org.apache.nifi.bootstrap.Command Starting Apache NiFi...
2020-02-11 20:29:20,238 INFO [main] org.apache.nifi.bootstrap.Command Working Directory: C:\NIFI-1~1.0-B\Node1
2020-02-11 20:29:20,239 INFO [main] org.apache.nifi.bootstrap.Command Command: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_241\bin\java.exe -classpath C:\NIFI-1~1.0-B\Node1\.\conf;C:\NIFI-1~1.0-B\Node1\.\lib\javax.servlet-api-3.1.0.jar;C:\NIFI-1~1.0-B\Node1\.\lib\jcl-over-slf4j-1.7.26.jar;C:\NIFI-1~1.0-B\Node1\.\lib\jetty-schemas-3.1.jar;C:\NIFI-1~1.0-B\Node1\.\lib\jul-to-slf4j-1.7.26.jar;C:\NIFI-1~1.0-B\Node1\.\lib\log4j-over-slf4j-1.7.26.jar;C:\NIFI-1~1.0-B\Node1\.\lib\logback-classic-1.2.3.jar;C:\NIFI-1~1.0-B\Node1\.\lib\logback-core-1.2.3.jar;C:\NIFI-1~1.0-B\Node1\.\lib\nifi-api-1.11.0.jar;C:\NIFI-1~1.0-B\Node1\.\lib\nifi-framework-api-1.11.0.jar;C:\NIFI-1~1.0-B\Node1\.\lib\nifi-nar-utils-1.11.0.jar;C:\NIFI-1~1.0-B\Node1\.\lib\nifi-properties-1.11.0.jar;C:\NIFI-1~1.0-B\Node1\.\lib\nifi-runtime-1.11.0.jar;C:\NIFI-1~1.0-B\Node1\.\lib\slf4j-api-1.7.26.jar -Dorg.apache.jasper.compiler.disablejsr199=true -Xmx512m -Xms512m -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dzookeeper.admin.enableServer=false\NIFI-1~1.0-B\Node1\.\conf\ -Dnifi.bootstrap.listen.port=53535 -Dapp=NiFi -Dorg.apache.nifi.bootstrap.config.log.dir=C:\NIFI-1~1.0-B\Node1\bin\..\\logs org.apache.nifi.NiFi
2020-02-11 20:29:20,554 WARN [main] org.apache.nifi.bootstrap.Command Failed to set permissions so that only the owner can read pid file C:\NIFI-1~1.0-B\Node1\bin\..\run\; this may allows others to have access to the key needed to communicate with NiFi. Permissions should be changed so that only the owner can read this file
2020-02-11 20:29:20,561 WARN [main] org.apache.nifi.bootstrap.Command Failed to set permissions so that only the owner can read status file C:\NIFI-1~1.0-B\Node1\bin\..\run\nifi.status; this may allows others to have access to the key needed to communicate with NiFi. Permissions should be changed so that only the owner can read this file
2020-02-11 20:29:20,573 INFO [main] org.apache.nifi.bootstrap.Command Launched Apache NiFi with Process ID 4284





20:31:57.265 [main] DEBUG org.apache.nifi.bootstrap.NotificationServiceManager - Found 0 service elements
20:31:57.271 [main] INFO org.apache.nifi.bootstrap.NotificationServiceManager - Successfully loaded the following 0 services: []
20:31:57.272 [main] INFO org.apache.nifi.bootstrap.RunNiFi - Registered no Notification Services for Notification Type NIFI_STARTED
20:31:57.273 [main] INFO org.apache.nifi.bootstrap.RunNiFi - Registered no Notification Services for Notification Type NIFI_STOPPED
20:31:57.274 [main] INFO org.apache.nifi.bootstrap.RunNiFi - Registered no Notification Services for Notification Type NIFI_DIED
20:31:57.277 [main] DEBUG org.apache.nifi.bootstrap.Command - Status File: C:\NIFI-1~1.0-B\Node1\bin\..\run\nifi.status
20:31:57.278 [main] DEBUG org.apache.nifi.bootstrap.Command - Status File: C:\NIFI-1~1.0-B\Node1\bin\..\run\nifi.status
20:31:57.279 [main] DEBUG org.apache.nifi.bootstrap.Command - Properties: {pid=4284, port=53536}
20:31:57.280 [main] DEBUG org.apache.nifi.bootstrap.Command - Pinging 53536
20:31:58.343 [main] DEBUG org.apache.nifi.bootstrap.Command - Process with PID 4284 is not running
20:31:58.345 [main] INFO org.apache.nifi.bootstrap.Command - Apache NiFi is not running




This is how my folder structure is:

folder structure.png


below is the image of Node 2 and node 3 cmd prompt.


Nifi error.PNGnifi UI.PNG


Super Mentor



First thing i noticed here is that it appears that your are trying to start all three NiFi nodes on a single Windows machine.  Why?  You just add overhead with three NiFi nodes on one server.  Typical NiFi cluster setups are one NiFi instance per server.

The NiFi properties file would need to be unique per each NiFi instance.  They cannot share any binding ports in common since only one node is going to be able to bind to a given port number.

This includes properties like:

nifi.web.http.port= or nifi.web.https.port= (if secured)

the configured NiFi hostname also needs to be resolvable.  You are using node1, node2, and node3.  Since all your NiFI nodes are running on the same Windows server, those would all need to be resolvable to the Windows server IP or you could use same hostname for all three instance since they are running on the same host.

Now you are also trying to use the embedded zookeeper which means each instance us going to try to standup and start its own zookeeper node.  So just like NiFi, these zookeeper nodes can not share the same port numbers.  So each cannot be configured to use 2181, 2888, and 3888.  Plus, just like NiFi, the hostnames node1, node 2, and node 3 would all need to be resolvable in DNS or the windows local hosts file.  Also not ideal to have multiple zookeeper nodes running on the same server.


If you looking to just play around with NiFi, you should just install a standalone instance of NiFi, or setup a single node cluster.  You can always add additional nodes to your 1 node cluster later by setting up additional servers with NiFi.

As you have it configured currently, my guess here is that if you parse through the nifi-app.log for each of your nodes, you are going to see errors related to resolving each your node hostnames to IPs and then later see address already in use errors.

Hope this helps,