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Unable to start VM


Hello All,

I have installed virtual box 5.1.8 on windows 10 and HDP 2.5. Completed the BIOS configuration for virtualization. Now when I start the Horton Sandbox VM, the status shows "Running", but the sandbox VM screen goes black/empty. I've tried a number of things but doesn't seem to work. It briefly displays the following message on the Sandbox VM screen and then the screen goes black. But the status shows Running.

Detected CPU family 6 model 142.

Warning: Intel CPU model — this hardware has not undergone upstream testing. Please see for more information.

Any help is much appreciated.



Expert Contributor

@krishnan srinivasan Hello, first time seeing that message, do you have enough RAM for it? ( 8 GB for the machine ). Boot stalls usually are caused by this. After about 3-5 minutes try connecting to localhost:8888 and see if ambari server is up ( localhost:8080 ). Once you login maybe you can spot what services are failing to start.


Hi, @glupu ,yes, I do have 8 gb RAM on core i7. Also, tried waiting for a while but localhost:8080 throws a can't reach the page error. The VM still shows a black screen after initially displaying the error displayed above. Not sure if anyone has faced such an error. Still stuck 😞

New Contributor


just bought, core i7, 8GB RAM(Windows10)-HP and install virtual box and HDP 2.6. Completed the BIOS configuration for virtualization. Now when I start the Horton Sandbox VM, the status shows "Running", but the sandbox VM screen goes black/empty . Please HELP

Expert Contributor
@krishnan srinivasan

Do you have 8 GB total? That won't be enough because the OS uses a part of that.

Super Guru
@krishnan srinivasan

What version of Windows 10 do you have installed? Do you have the Hyper-V option enabled? That will interfere with VirtualBox causing VirutalBox to not work properly. Can you load other VMs in VirtualBox?

@Michael Young

I use Windows 10 Home edition. So Hyper-V option doesn't exist. Just got Virtual Box installed today. Got the notebook this morning. Will try to download/install other VM's and let you know. Haven't seen this error mentioned by anyone. wondering if I did something wrong or missed anything. But rechecked and can't find any gaps.


Yes 8gb total. That used to work fine in an older PC and still does. I know 4gb total is an issue. Is there a specific base memory range I need to allot for VM(recommended?)

Super Guru

If you only have 8GB of ram on your computer, you are going to have some real issues trying to get the Sandbox to work. The sandbox requires a minimum of 8GB of memory just for the sandbox, although it works much better with 10-12GB allocated. If you try to run the Sandbox with only 8GB total on your computer, you don't have any memory left over for Windows.


I might experience system stability issues, yes agreed, but this is weird, or at the least would've been commonly reported. No solutions anywhere to be found.Beginning to suspect if it could be a permissions issue of some sort?


@Michael Young, just installed other VM's(SAS university edition was one) and those work seamlessly. Looks like the issue is isolated to this VM.