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Unable to start solr service. (Solr is running, it cannot be started again)


I have installed solr using Ambari. It was working fine initially but after restarting the VM i am not able to start the solr service. It's throwing following exception.

p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Helvetica; color: #454545} p.p2 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Helvetica; color: #454545; min-height: 14.0px}

2016-11-14 14:00:35,271 - call returned (0, 'Found 1 Solr nodes: \n\nSolr process 15690 running on port 8886\n{\n "solr_home":"/opt/ambari_infra_solr/data",\n "version":"5.5.2 8e5d40b22a3968df065dfc078ef81cbb031f0e4a - sarowe - 2016-06-21 11:44:11",\n "startTime":"2016-11-14T13:54:33.221Z",\n "uptime":"0 days, 0 hours, 6 minutes, 1 seconds",\n "memory":"67.3 MB (%3.4) of 981.4 MB",\n "cloud":{\n "ZooKeeper":"",\n "liveNodes":"1",\n "collections":"4"}}')

2016-11-14 14:00:35,271 - Solr status output: Found 1 Solr nodes:

Solr process 15690 running on port 8886



"version":"5.5.2 8e5d40b22a3968df065dfc078ef81cbb031f0e4a - sarowe - 2016-06-21 11:44:11",


"uptime":"0 days, 0 hours, 6 minutes, 1 seconds",

"memory":"67.3 MB (%3.4) of 981.4 MB",





2016-11-14 14:00:35,271 - Solr is running, it cannot be started again

Command failed after 1 tries


Super Guru
@milind pandit

The error you are seeing is because Ambari Infra Service is running, which includes Solr. The Solr start script checks to see if solr is running and if it is, it won't start another instance. So you are seeing a conflict.

If you stop the Ambari Infra service, I believe you'll see this error go away. It's unfortunately one of the problems you run into when running all of the components on a single Sandbox.

View solution in original post


Super Guru
@milind pandit

The error you are seeing is because Ambari Infra Service is running, which includes Solr. The Solr start script checks to see if solr is running and if it is, it won't start another instance. So you are seeing a conflict.

If you stop the Ambari Infra service, I believe you'll see this error go away. It's unfortunately one of the problems you run into when running all of the components on a single Sandbox.


Yeah I figured that out in a hard way :). Thank you for clarifying.

Super Collaborator

@milind pandit, adding to what @Michael Young has already said. After starting the Solr service, you can start your Ambari Infra again. There will not be any conflict from Ambari Infra side.