I'm only able to do that via two processors:
1- JotlTransfomJSON : this is to add desired attributes (attr_id & attr_name) to the flowfile json using the following spec:
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"model": "model",
"cars_drivers": {
"*": {
"id": "cars_drivers[#2].id",
"name": "cars_drivers[#2].name",
"is_processed": "cars_drivers[#2].is_processed"
2 - UpdateRecord Processor: Once the attributes are added to the Json , you can update those records Is_processed value only when the id matches the attr_id and name matches the attr_name. To do that set the following properties:
a- Replacement Value Strategy: Literal Value
b- /cars_drivers[*]/id[.=../../../attr_id]/../name[.=../../../attr_name]/../is_processed : 1

Hope that helps, if it does please accept solution.