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UpdateRecord processor changes the output of flow file into only nulls

Rising Star

Hi all.

I have two avro-binary types of flow files and their content is:

Flow file one:
[ {
"DepartmentID" : "Undefined",
"Name" : "Non Billable",
} ]


Flow file two:[ {
"DepartmentID" : "Null",
"Name" : "Tax",
} ]

I am using UpdateRecord processor to add a key:value (tenantId) in the same file for which I am using below avro schema:
"name": "nifi",
"type": "record",
"fields": [
{ "name": "TenantId", "type": ["null","string"] },
{ "name": "DepartmentId", "type": ["null","string"] },
{ "name": "Name", "type": ["null","string"] }

I am using literal value replacement value strategy and getting TenantId from previous processors. So far, this is a success and tenantId is appended. However, as a result, the DepartmentId changes to null for BOTH the files. Where I can ensure that the DepartmentId's values are not changed because based on these values, I have to route the "undefined" file for further processing. 

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. 




What did you configure in UpdateRecord? Most likely you problem starts from there.

Rising Star

I am reading avro flow flow (using embedded schema) and for writing it,  I am providing schema.text.


My schema text is this:
"name": "nifi",
"type": "record",
"fields": [
{ "name": "TenantId", "type": ["null","string"] },
{ "name": "DepartmentId", "type": ["null","string"] },
{ "name": "Name", "type": ["null","string"] }

The issue is its not retaining DepartmentID as strings and converting them to null. 

Rising Star

I resolved the issue. I had DepartmentId in my avro schema however, I was getting DepartmentID in the input. Schemas are case sensitive.

Now, that the string values are appended in the DepartmentID column, I am using RouteOnContent processors and using ${DepartmentID:equals('Undefined')} to match if the DepartmentID' values are of undefined or null type. It is not identifying the "Undefined" values. is the regex statement correct?

Content of flow file is:
[ {
"TenantId" : "FF369226-0EDA-4D0D-B48C-6B27F404ECCB",
"DepartmentID" : "Undefined",
"Name": "xyz"
} ]