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Upgrade or Fresh install


Hi All,

We have 10 node cluster. We have only few teams are using the cluster at the moment.What do you suggest fresh install or Upgrade . If so why ? Could you please explain the pain points of both . What is the best practice here .

Clean installation of OS, HDP , HDF or upgrade of HDP and HDF . If fresh install . we will take a back of all the data to another machine and reinstall everything .


Master Mentor

@Lenu K

Your question is rather wide for a small cluster all depends on manpower at hand, for HDF remember to back up the flow files, below are immediately what comes into my mind.

Fresh Install pros and con's

  • Better planned
  • Here you get a clean installation maybe properly configured mistakes learned from the current cluster setup.
  • Straightforward no upgrade surprises.
  • Loose Customization

Upgrade pros and cons'

  • Must plan properly and document steps
  • Expect technical surprises and challenge.
  • Plan support if not having one already on the D-day
  • Challenges mold you to a better hadoopist!
  • See Mandatory Post-Upgrade Tasks

Best practice

  • Verify that the file system you selected is supported HWX
  • Pre-create all the databases
  • Backup your cluster before either of the above.
  • Plan for at least NN/RM HA (NN are the brain so allocate good memory) MUST have 3 Zookeeper
  • HDD planning is important SSD for SCSI
  • Restrict access to the cluster from the ONLY edge node.
  • Kerberize the Cluster
  • Configure SSL think of SSD for Zk,Hbase and OS can also use the SSD acceleration for temp tables in hive, exposing the SSD via HDFS
  • Plan well the Data center network(Backup lines)
  • Size your nodes memory and storage properly.
  • Beware if performance is a must especially with Kafka and Storm are memory intensive.
  • Delegate authorization to Ranger.
  • Test upgrade procedures for new versions of existing components
  • Execute performance tests of custom-built applications
  • Allow end-users to perform user acceptance testing
  • Execute integration tests where custom-built applications communicate with third-party software
  • Experiment with new software that is beta quality and may not be ready for usage at all
  • Execute security penetration tests (typically done by an external company)
  • Let application developers modify configuration parameters and restart services on short notice
  • Maintain a mirror image of the production environment to be activated in case of natural disaster or unforeseen events
  • Execute regression tests that compare the outputs of new application code with existing code running in production


View solution in original post


Master Mentor

@Lenu K

Your question is rather wide for a small cluster all depends on manpower at hand, for HDF remember to back up the flow files, below are immediately what comes into my mind.

Fresh Install pros and con's

  • Better planned
  • Here you get a clean installation maybe properly configured mistakes learned from the current cluster setup.
  • Straightforward no upgrade surprises.
  • Loose Customization

Upgrade pros and cons'

  • Must plan properly and document steps
  • Expect technical surprises and challenge.
  • Plan support if not having one already on the D-day
  • Challenges mold you to a better hadoopist!
  • See Mandatory Post-Upgrade Tasks

Best practice

  • Verify that the file system you selected is supported HWX
  • Pre-create all the databases
  • Backup your cluster before either of the above.
  • Plan for at least NN/RM HA (NN are the brain so allocate good memory) MUST have 3 Zookeeper
  • HDD planning is important SSD for SCSI
  • Restrict access to the cluster from the ONLY edge node.
  • Kerberize the Cluster
  • Configure SSL think of SSD for Zk,Hbase and OS can also use the SSD acceleration for temp tables in hive, exposing the SSD via HDFS
  • Plan well the Data center network(Backup lines)
  • Size your nodes memory and storage properly.
  • Beware if performance is a must especially with Kafka and Storm are memory intensive.
  • Delegate authorization to Ranger.
  • Test upgrade procedures for new versions of existing components
  • Execute performance tests of custom-built applications
  • Allow end-users to perform user acceptance testing
  • Execute integration tests where custom-built applications communicate with third-party software
  • Experiment with new software that is beta quality and may not be ready for usage at all
  • Execute security penetration tests (typically done by an external company)
  • Let application developers modify configuration parameters and restart services on short notice
  • Maintain a mirror image of the production environment to be activated in case of natural disaster or unforeseen events
  • Execute regression tests that compare the outputs of new application code with existing code running in production