Created 09-01-2016 02:21 AM
Hi, I have upgraded Ambari 2.2 to 2.4 and everything went well as per steps but it failed to start the ambari service and the following is the error
2016-08-31 21:52:28,082 INFO - ******************************* Check database started ******************************* 2016-08-31 21:52:31,647 INFO - Checking for configs not mapped to any cluster 2016-08-31 21:52:31,653 INFO - Checking for configs selected more than once 2016-08-31 21:52:31,655 INFO - Checking for hosts without state 2016-08-31 21:52:31,657 INFO - Checking host component states count equals host component desired states count 2016-08-31 21:52:31,660 INFO - Checking services and their configs 2016-08-31 21:52:33,669 ERROR - Unexpected error, database check failed java.lang.NullPointerException at org.apache.ambari.server.checks.DatabaseConsistencyCheckHelper.checkServiceConfigs( at org.apache.ambari.server.checks.DatabaseConsistencyChecker.main(
Thank you for your help.
Created 09-01-2016 02:51 PM
You've hit a bug. It most likely has to do with a service configuration you still have for a service that's no longer on your stack. I will go ahead and file a Jira to have this fixed in Ambari ... In the meantime, can you run this SQL on your database so we can determine which config is the problem:
SELECT c.cluster_name, cs.service_name, cc.type_name, sc.version FROM clusterservices cs JOIN serviceconfig sc ON cs.service_name = sc.service_name AND cs.cluster_id = sc.cluster_id JOIN serviceconfigmapping scm ON sc.service_config_id = scm.service_config_id JOIN clusterconfig cc ON scm.config_id = cc.config_id AND sc.cluster_id = cc.cluster_id JOIN clusters c ON cc.cluster_id = c.cluster_id AND sc.stack_id = c.desired_stack_id WHERE sc.group_id IS NULL AND sc.service_config_id = (SELECT MAX(service_config_id) FROM serviceconfig sc2 WHERE sc2.service_name = sc.service_name AND sc2.cluster_id = sc.cluster_id) GROUP BY c.cluster_name, cs.service_name, cc.type_name, sc.version
Created AMBARI-18296 to track this...
Created 01-25-2017 01:59 PM
Hi, Good morning, I ran into different issues and I felt it may be easy to do fresh install 2.4 after removing the 2.2. So I went with fresh install.
Created 01-25-2017 05:21 PM
@Ramakrishna Pratapa Thank you for your response. I already have a cluster running with 2.2 and now I upgraded to 2.4. Is it possible to remove ambari completely and install newly for an existing cluster? Can you please point me to the steps.
Created 01-25-2017 05:28 PM
I don't have any data in the cluster and hence it was easy for me to remove all bits from the nodes and did fresh install with 2.4. But if you have data in the cluster it may be better to proceed with cluster upgrade steps and verify them as you have already upgraded the Ambari to 2.4.