Created on 03-02-2015 07:49 AM - edited 09-16-2022 02:23 AM
Hi all,
I have installed CDH( 5.0.2) using cloudera manager 5.0.2 by chosing parcels.
Spark 0.9.0+cdh5.0.2+36 version has come with it.
Now I need to upgrade only Spark to latest version 1.1.x or 1.2.x.
I have seen ways to do it using cloudera manager parcels but when i click on 'check for new parcels' it just shows older one (0.9.0-1.cdh4.6.0.p0.98).
Is there a way I can upgrade only spark or I need to upgrade complete CDH (5.3.2-1.cdh5.3.2.p0.10) to get latest spark.
Please help me It is urgent.
Created 03-05-2015 11:11 AM
The instructions to use Yum would only be for non-parcel and non-Cloudera Manager installations. When using Cloudera Manager, and in particular our "parcels" packaging format, you need to do upgrades through Cloudera Manager only.
This doc explains the differences between the packages that yum can handle and how we incorporate parcels.
Created 03-02-2015 12:52 PM
I believe you will need to at least upgrade Cloudera Manager to the latest version (5.3.2) before it will offer you the opportunity to download newer Spark parcels. FWIW, the latest CM version should be able to install/manage up to Spark 1.2.0.
I will defer to the experts about whether you can only update Spark and not the rest of the CDH stack...
Created 03-02-2015 09:50 PM
Cloudera documentation also mentions about
yum install spark*....
Can I do it to upgrade spark even if I installed it through cloudera manager ? or that way is only for non cloudera manager installation only ?
Created 03-05-2015 11:11 AM
The instructions to use Yum would only be for non-parcel and non-Cloudera Manager installations. When using Cloudera Manager, and in particular our "parcels" packaging format, you need to do upgrades through Cloudera Manager only.
This doc explains the differences between the packages that yum can handle and how we incorporate parcels.
Created 03-19-2015 07:52 PM
Apache just released 1.3.0 and I would like to install that on my CDH cluster. I know it will added to 5.4 CDH release but is there any other way to get it now? Or any other way to upgrade the existing SPARK standalone installation from 1.2.0 to 1.3.0.