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What is 100% free method to install HDP sandbox and start learning HDP?


I have a laptop that has 4GB memory and can't try ambari owing to resource limitations. As per a tutorial from hortonworks I tried using Azure. In free trial I can't choose A4 sized virtual machine. This is only on paid basis. I would like to know is there a way to start learning HDP using hortonworks sandbox 100% free? Also, I think amazon EC2 is again on paid basis (.30 cents/hour I think)



As I could not find 100% free method including not able to use Azure as mentioned in tutorials, I bought a new laptop and started learning on my own


I had to buy a new laptop and install sandbox in it. This is the only way that I found as I could not find a free way to fix it

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Master Mentor


Hi Neeraj..If you carefully look at my question, I wanted to practice the tutorials on top of hadoop sandbox. For installing and bringing up sandbox I followed one of your tutorial that says we can install sandbox in azure and try it free for 1 month. There is a contradiction among tutorial and microsoft policy. As per tutorial A4 virtual machine needs to be used. As per microsoft policy A4 standard is not on free basis instead it is on paid basis. I'm asking is there any other way to start learning hadoop by installing sandbox for free

Master Mentor

@sindhu seenivasan

You have to upgrade the memory in your machine to get "100% free" working.

Give a try to this

Master Mentor

with 4GB memory the only way you can learn Hadoop is to either install Apache Hadoop on your host machine or run a VM with 2GB of RAM and install Ambari. After installing Ambari, you can install the rest of the stack, this is a great learning experience as how I got started with Hadoop and Hortonworks.


I'm trying to use sandbox which is prebuilt bundled vesion of hortonworks flavour of apache hadoop.I'm not sure if I can install ambari as a separate component first and then install rest. Not sure if you are talking about sandbox

Master Mentor

I am talking about a separate install, not Sandbox. Sandbox requires 8GB RAM. You said you want to learn, one way to learn is to install from scratch, Sandbox is great for tutorials and some admin work but to really learn the ins and outs, you need to try it out on a vanilla OS box.


Artem, for installation in a typical os, can we have windows 7 laptop with 4GB RAM? Also, did you download the distribution from Apache project instead of hortonworks?

Master Mentor

if you use tarball, then Windows 7 with 4GB of RAM is fine. Yes, you'd need to download the Apache distribution for that. If you use Ambari, it will automatically pull Hortonworks distribution and you can pick and choose what to install, thereby overcoming your memory limit.

Master Mentor

@sindhu seenivasan are you still having issues with this? Can you accept best answer or provide your own solution?