Hi all,
Bit of background, I have been struggling with an issue in which a table can get locked but the lock gets stuck in a "waiting" state and so does not allow the query to progress, after about 2 hours the job complains that the table is locked and it cannot access it. I'm trying to identify why the table is getting locked which brings me to my question....
If a user runs a query but then disconnects the session can this cause a table to get locked in this state?
| lockid | database | table | partition | lock_state | blocked_by | lock_type | transaction_id | last_heartbeat | acquired_at | user | hostname | agent_info
| 78011111.2 | db | tbl | NULL | WAITING | 78043210.2 | EXCLUSIVE | NULL | 1523459564452 | NULL | user | host | hive_20180411161225_2b33e811-e44c-59ds-afb3-b4111fcb019a |