Created 04-30-2016 02:00 AM
I started my HDP2.4 in vmware, & i could able to launch the ambari browser & i can see my hdfs files there..
But if i want to run the HDFS commands,, where can i run them...?
Created 04-30-2016 02:13 AM
If this is sandbox, you can ssh to localhost on port 2222.
ssh root@localhost -p 2222
if you are on mac/linux or use putty if you are on windows. Default password for root is hadoop.
More details here
Created 04-30-2016 02:13 AM
If this is sandbox, you can ssh to localhost on port 2222.
ssh root@localhost -p 2222
if you are on mac/linux or use putty if you are on windows. Default password for root is hadoop.
More details here
Created 04-30-2016 02:19 AM
Thanks Ravi....that sounds good & it worked for me with putty when i run hdp2.4 on vmware. but when i tried with putty when i started my hdp2.4 in virtualbox it's failing.
I mean, the ip for virtual box by default is showing as and when i tried putty with this ip, its not connecting.
May i know the reason why..?
Created 04-30-2016 02:29 AM
I can run sandbox running on virtualbox with 2222. No reason to think of why its working from vmware and not virtualbox. Both use NAT.
Created 05-02-2016 10:15 PM
yes..Ravi,, You are absolutely correct.. Here we go.
When I open putty,
1) If I'm running HDP2.4 in VMware,
putty is woking with the HDP given ip & port as 22(Bydefault).
but , if you give 2222 in putty for hdp2.4 it will not work.
2) If I'm running HDP2.4 in Virtualbox,
putty is working with ip & port as 2222(Need to give explicitly),
but if you give 22 in putty, it will not work.
Anywork, got to know exactly with your info,,, Thanks.
Created 04-30-2016 03:03 PM
Alternatively, if you have zeppelin, you can run your bash / hadoop commands over there too..
%sh whoami
%sh hadoop fs -ls /user/root/
Created 04-30-2016 03:05 PM
if it is sandbox, you must be having the zeppelin in the same section where you will be seeing Hive views, etc...