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Which is the stable version of CDH 6.X except CDH6.3.3

New Contributor

What is the stable version of CDH6.X ,Not CDH6.3.3.

We have cluster with 5.16.2 and planning to upgrade to CDH 6 ,but not CDH 6.3.3. Can someone suggest me which is the stable version of CDH 6 except CDH6.3.3?



Master Guru

@Prav_kumar Yes you can but since you are going to upgrade in Feb to 6.3.4 it's purely your decision to choose what is most feasible path. Just a tip make sure to read the release notes and known issue of the respective version you are Upgrading to make better decision. 

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Master Guru

@Prav_kumar You can choose 6.3.4. 

Release Notes are here:


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New Contributor

Thanks for  the reply  @GangWar  as of now I am looking  to upgrade  cluster from 5.16.2 to 6.X which  doesn't  require  license. 

I believe  from 6.3.3 requires license  we have plan to get license soon next year.

Do you  think  6.3.2 is stable  to from  5.16.2? We shall upgrade  to 6.3.4 on feb 2021

Master Guru

@Prav_kumar Yes you can but since you are going to upgrade in Feb to 6.3.4 it's purely your decision to choose what is most feasible path. Just a tip make sure to read the release notes and known issue of the respective version you are Upgrading to make better decision. 

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