Created 08-11-2024 06:22 PM
I'm trying to use PowerBI to analyze my Hive data.
But when I'm connecting to Hive by using ODBC, I can see all databases even if I don't have right permissions for other databases.
These are the databases I have permissions in Ranger.
This is a PowerBi screenshot when I connected Hive by using ODBC.
As you can see above, I can see all databases.
This is a ODBC setting for connecting to Hive.
But if I connect to Hive by using HiveLLAP, I can see right databases like below.
So question is
Why can I see all hive databases without permissions when I connected to Hive by using ODBC.
If anyone knows the reason, please let me know.
I would really appreciate it.
Created 08-28-2024 12:45 AM
When connecting through ODBC, make sure that Ranger is enabled on the connected HiveServer2 (HS2). If possible, validate the configuration with LLAP for further verification.
Created 09-01-2024 09:01 AM
Please check in the ranger audits what is the user getting authorized when you are seeing the tables through ODBC.
Created 09-05-2024 01:36 AM
Are you using the same user account to connect via ODBC which you used to log in to Hue? Please verify that.