Created 04-13-2017 08:10 AM
I've been trying to upload a basic txt file onto HDFS but it won't upload. I have tried multiple files of different sizes and extensions and found the reason to be the size of my text file (approx 150 bytes). All files over around 10kb seems to work fine... Does anyone have a solution to this ? Thanks
Created 04-13-2017 01:19 PM
Based on the screen shots you are providing, you are attempting to push the file to HDFS using the command line within the Sandbox itself. However, you are specifying a file path that is local to the computer running the VIrtualBox Sandbox VM. That won't work. The Sandbox has no way of knowing how to access "C:\".
You must first push the file to the Sandbox using WinSCP. Then you can use the hdfs dsfs -put command using a local directory within the Sandbox (something like /root/<my filename>).
Created 04-13-2017 01:57 PM
Copy your file from windows to the host From local directory copy to HDFS using
hadoop fs -ls <local file path> <hdfs path>
Created 04-13-2017 01:19 PM
Based on the screen shots you are providing, you are attempting to push the file to HDFS using the command line within the Sandbox itself. However, you are specifying a file path that is local to the computer running the VIrtualBox Sandbox VM. That won't work. The Sandbox has no way of knowing how to access "C:\".
You must first push the file to the Sandbox using WinSCP. Then you can use the hdfs dsfs -put command using a local directory within the Sandbox (something like /root/<my filename>).
Created 04-13-2017 03:05 PM
Thanks ! That worked like a charm. I still have no idea why it doesn't let me upload using the HDFS UI so if you know why then I would love to know.