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Why is the namenode in my HDP sandbox 2.6.5 named

New Contributor

Using docker, I've succesfully installed HDP sandbox on my cloud-base CentOS 7 instance. Most services starts up and I see a lot of green in Ambari. Now, i am curious about why the deployed sandbox named my namenode:

i see that the same namenode is used in the screenshot attached to this post - as disclosed by the URL in the web-browser

Is it expected that a user should tinker with the hosts file to translate that give name to the IP address of the node?

That is strange since most of us do not own the domain. Is this a business-as-usual way? is there a way to change the name of a namenode?


Master Mentor

@Jes Chergui

Hortonworks Sandbox is a learning single host cluster setup for testing and learning purpose. Thats the reason a hostname was chosen that way.

Sandbox is a dockerized container. So is there any specific reason you would like to change/customize the Hostname ?
You can do that but we wanted to know what is the requirement ?

Ambari allows to perform the hostname changes to new hostname as described in the following doc. So when you make the required hostname changes at the docker & "/etc/hosts" file then you might also want to check the following doc:

# ambari-server update-host-names host_names_changes.json

Followed by the instructions mentioned for formatZK and HDFS.

View solution in original post


Master Mentor

@Jes Chergui

Hortonworks Sandbox is a learning single host cluster setup for testing and learning purpose. Thats the reason a hostname was chosen that way.

Sandbox is a dockerized container. So is there any specific reason you would like to change/customize the Hostname ?
You can do that but we wanted to know what is the requirement ?

Ambari allows to perform the hostname changes to new hostname as described in the following doc. So when you make the required hostname changes at the docker & "/etc/hosts" file then you might also want to check the following doc:

# ambari-server update-host-names host_names_changes.json

Followed by the instructions mentioned for formatZK and HDFS.

New Contributor

thank you for this clear answer. I have not requirement to change the namenode's name. I will just update my hosts file to properly resolve cheers