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Why kms-acls.xml file is not deploying to hosts?

New Contributor

After completely configuring HDFS Transparent Encryption and created HDFS Encrypted Zone, i want to configure access to created Encrypted Zone for specific user. So, in CM UI i configured Key Trustee KMS property calling Key Management Server Proxy Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for kms-acls.xml.


But, on hosts (host with Key Management Server Proxy role for example ) file /etc/hadoop-kms/conf/kms-acls.xml is not updating after add/change properties in CM UI and refresh cluster. I had tried reboot whole cluster, but it was not help. So, what i do wrong?


New Contributor

Probably it was necessary to ask a question to find the answer. kms-acls.xml deploying only to hosts with Key Management Server Proxy role. It's ok. Also, it is stored in another directory:


New Contributor

I am sorry, it is not the solution. It is just symlink, so problem is actual.

Screenshot 2020-11-17 at 13.51.09.png