Created 12-12-2022 08:08 PM
in zeppelin i run show databases; and show tables works but when pyspark to select * from tables
get error permission denied user = anonymous Permission denied: user=anonymous, access=READ, inode="/warehouse/tablespace/managed/hive
when i check getfacl in /warehouse/tablespace/managed/hive user zeppelin can rwx the directory
why does zeppelin read as user anonymous ? anybody can help ? thanks
Created 12-12-2022 10:10 PM
its admin:admin but its solve by add user=hive in
spark.sql.hive.hiveserver2.jdbc.url = jdbc:hive2://ipserver:2181,ipserver:2181,ipserver:2181/;serviceDiscoveryMode=zooKeeper;zooKeeperNamespace=hiveserver2;user=hive
Created 12-12-2022 08:14 PM
Hello @myzard
Can you confirm with which user you logged in into zeppelin UI
Created 12-12-2022 10:10 PM
its admin:admin but its solve by add user=hive in
spark.sql.hive.hiveserver2.jdbc.url = jdbc:hive2://ipserver:2181,ipserver:2181,ipserver:2181/;serviceDiscoveryMode=zooKeeper;zooKeeperNamespace=hiveserver2;user=hive
Created 12-12-2022 10:10 PM
this setting in spark interpreter zeppelin