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ambari-server High availability (HA)


Is there good demo or document available on ambari server high availability ?


Master Mentor

@Anurag Mishra

Currently the HA feature for Ambari Server is not available. However it can be by enabling a rapid failover mechanism (an active-passive setup) through an external monitoring tool e.g. Upstart, Supervisor or some other Daemon tool.

In this case One of the server is kept active while the other is stopped.

The responsibilities of the external monitoring service are:

  • Ensure there is only one active instance of Ambari Server
  • Monitor the active instance and if it’s down then make a decision to either bring the same instance back up or the replacement instance
  • Ensure that the agents are re-configured to communicate with the active Ambari Server instance

Requirements for HA

  • The Ambari DB must be an external DB instance (do not use embedded postgres)
  • Both Ambari Server instances must be configured similarly (options available via ambari-server setup command)
  • Appropriate load-balancer setup to route client requests to the active Ambari Server instance



Feature Request: The improvement request is still in progress:

Rising Star

If you have some virtualization with fault tolerance option and shared storage (like VMware esxi, etc.) I will recommend you to install Ambari Server there.