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beeline error


I am using beeline in HDP 2.4 and a non-kerberos environment and after opening the session and typing a few commands ( mostly add jar commands),

I am getting the below exception

Error: org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransportException: Broken pipe (state=08S01,code=0)

Any thoughts on this error and what could be the reason


Expert Contributor


Hi Arun,

Can you check if your metastore is running with no issues and are there any issues with metastore and backend DB connection ?



You should check the following:

  1. Make sure you are able to connect to the HiveServer2 through beeline, if not check the connection URL, In an unsecure cluster beeline session, the connection command is - !connect jdbc:hive2://<hostname>:10000/ <username> pwd
  2. If you are able to establish session, run simple commands like "show tables". This should succeed. Then proceed with the specific queries you want to run. If any of them fail, check the hiveserver2.log under hive log directories (typically /var/log/hive) under HIVE_HOST.

If your query is failing on (2) can you please post the detailed error message from the hiveserver2 log.



I am attaching the logs as a .txt file. I am able to connect to hive using beeline and then hiveserver2 goes down and comes back automatically. hiveserver2log.txt. Seeing ane error like cannot create znode in zookeeper.


The attached log shows error registering with the zookeeper. Can you check the zookeeper log if you spot any errors there?


hi @Deepesh, the zookeeper logs doesnt have anything , it is zero bytes. Does hive use zookeeper?


HiveServer2 instance registers itself to Zookeeper under the /hiveserver2 node.