Created 06-28-2021 10:41 PM
is there a way we can change the datatype from int to double for a column on Impala? Table size is around 3 billion records. I do not plan to drop and recreate it.
ALTER TABLE cbs.gprs_home_cdrs CHANGE percentage_val_n percentage_val_n double;
impalad version 3.4.0-SNAPSHOT RELEASE (build 134517e42b7b6085e758195465f956f431e0e575) Built on Sat Dec 12 11:15:02 UTC 2020
Version: Cloudera Enterprise 7.1.3 (#4999720 built by jenkins on 20200805-1701 git: fa596184790377f07ba80e9cd4da8b875237939c)
Java VM Name: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM
Java Version: 11.0.10
Created 07-04-2021 11:36 PM
Hi @roshanbi ,
We can confirm you that the type of Kudu's column cannot be changed after it is created.
One is that in the Known issue of document [1], the following information is explained.
Non-alterable Column Types
Kudu does not allow the type of a column to be altered.
The second is that in the Impala documentation, there is no description that you can change the field type of Kudu.
After your review you can accept this as a solution and it helps others who are looking for the same.
Thank you,
Chethan YM
Created 07-04-2021 11:36 PM
Hi @roshanbi ,
We can confirm you that the type of Kudu's column cannot be changed after it is created.
One is that in the Known issue of document [1], the following information is explained.
Non-alterable Column Types
Kudu does not allow the type of a column to be altered.
The second is that in the Impala documentation, there is no description that you can change the field type of Kudu.
After your review you can accept this as a solution and it helps others who are looking for the same.
Thank you,
Chethan YM