@BiggieSmalls ,
I think the real question here is why is your audit team talking with you. Was there a concern regarding the accounts?
Without more information, it appears that these objects may have been created by Cloudera Manager that manages Kerberos Credentials in Active Directory. Cloudera randomizes the CN value of the credentials object and then prefixes it with what is configured in Active Directory Account Prefix in the Cloudera Manager configuration (Administration --> Settings --> Kerberos).
You can look at the userPrincipalName or servicePrincipalName to see if they contain your cluster's hostnames as a way of seeing if they apply to your current CDH cluster.
NOTE: If these are objects used by your current installation, removing them would cause your CDH roles to fail in various ways. Also, changing the passwords on any would require Cloudera Manager regenerate the credentials. Make sure you are clear about why they are approaching you about these objects.