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command not found, No public DNS when use SSH connect to cloudera "manager node" instance in EC2

New Contributor

I succesfully install, configure all the stuffs (key pair, ssh, create cloudera stack) I also sucessful log in to the couldera manager, the Hue, and the tutorial.


My terminal was like this not:

[ec2-user@ip-172-31-48-217 ~]$



But when I go to the tutorial 1, start to type the first command in my terminal.

it was like:


[ec2-user@ip-172-31-48-217 ~]$ sqoop import-all-tables -m 3 --connect jdbc:mysql://cloudera1:3306/retail_db --username=retail_dba --password=cloudera --compression-codec=snappy --as-parquetfile --warehouse-dir=/user/hive/warehouse --hive-import


-bash: sqoop: command not found



My terminal say sqoop command not found. I also try hadoop, it also show hadoop command not found. 

But I did use SSH connect to the manager node instance.


What should I do?



update: I create an instance in EC2, then cloudera live stack create another  4 instances for me. I just notice one of the 4 is the manage node, the other three are worker nodes. But the instance that I created is just a web server.


So my question now is how to use SSH to connect to the manage node? Only the instance that I create have the public DNS, the others don't have public DNS, only have public IP


New Contributor

Ah ha!! Problem solved!!!


It's indeed because I don't use SSH connect to the manager node.

(I connect to another instance that created by my own, I didn't notice that)


So when I try to connect to the manager node, there is no public DNS, the way to solve it shown below:

  • Go to
  • Go To Services -> VPC
  • Open Your VPCs
  • select your VPC connected to your EC2 and
  • Edit Summary ---> Change DNS hostnames: to YES


Then you'll find all the instance have public DNS now! find the manager node one, then it works!

View solution in original post



The software is not installed as soon as the stack is created - the deployment of all the sofware is done by a service that you need to register with (to get an access code to uniquely identify your cluster). Creating the stack just provisions the required hardware and those instances then check in with the service and start the deployment process. You'll get an email once that process has started with a link to a progress bar, and an email when it's done and you can safely use the cluster.


If you did not already register for an access code, you can sign up for one here: If you did get an access code, send me a private message with the code and I can check on the status of your specific cluster and see what's going on.

New Contributor

I have received the email saying that "Your Cloudera Live cluster is now ready!"


They also provide me the application etc with the username and the password.  


Then I click into the guidance page, choose the start tutorial


Then in the second page, the tutorial saying "Connecting to Linux Nodes with SSH".


I think my problem is here, I use SSH connect to only the one instance that I create by my own(this one has public DNS), but I still got 4 other instances, one is the manager node, the other 3 is the worker node. I don't know how to use SSH connect to the manager node.

(there is not public DNS with them, but they have public IP and private IP)



New Contributor

Ah ha!! Problem solved!!!


It's indeed because I don't use SSH connect to the manager node.

(I connect to another instance that created by my own, I didn't notice that)


So when I try to connect to the manager node, there is no public DNS, the way to solve it shown below:

  • Go to
  • Go To Services -> VPC
  • Open Your VPCs
  • select your VPC connected to your EC2 and
  • Edit Summary ---> Change DNS hostnames: to YES


Then you'll find all the instance have public DNS now! find the manager node one, then it works!