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convert milliseconds data frame column into Unixtimestamp using sprak scala ??


event csv file looks like this

|display_id| uuid|document_id|timestamp|platformgeo_location|

1|cb8c55702adb93| 379743| 61| 3| |

2|79a85fa78311b9| 1794259| 81| 2| |

3|822932ce3d8757| 1179111| 182| 2| |

4|85281d0a49f7ac| 1777797| 234| 2| |

This my code spark scala code

  • import org.joda.time._
  • case class flight(display_id: Int ,uuid:String, document_id :Int, timestamp:String, platformgeo_location:String)
  • valstreamdf=sc.textFile("/FileStore/tables/y6ak4fzq1504260076447/events.csv").map(_.split(",")).map(x=>flight(x(0).toInt,x(1).toString,x(2).toInt,x(3).toString,x(4).toString)).toDF()
  • streamdf.registerTempTable("event1")
  • val result = sqlContext.sql("select * from event1 limit 10")
  • val addP = (p: Int) => udf( (x: Int) => x + p ) val stamp = streamdf.withColumn("timestamp", addP(1465876799)($"timestamp")).toDF()
  • stamp.registerTempTable("stamp")
  • new org.joda.time.DateTime(1465876799*1000)
  • val df = sqlContext.sql("select from_unixtime(timestamp,'YYYY-MM-dd') as 'ts' from stamp")
  • when am exceuting last command which is in bold

val df type mismatch error am getting

how to resolve this problem please help me out

Thanks in advance



Master Guru
@swathi thukkaraju

As you are using timestamp field data type as string, can you cast that to Bigint or int as per your requirements then from_unixtime will work.

Possible Outputs for your timestamp value 1465876799, you can check them in hive (or) beeline shell.

hive> select from_unixtime(1465876799, 'yyyy-MM-dd');
hive> select from_unixtime(CAST(1465876799000 as int), 'yyyy-MM-dd');  

hive> select from_unixtime(CAST(1465876799000 as bigint), 'yyyy-MM-dd');
select from_unixtime(CAST(1465876799000/1000 as BIGINT), 'yyyy-MM-dd');
hive> select from_unixtime(CAST(1465876799000 as string), 'yyyy-MM-dd'); 
FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10014]: Line 1:7 Wrong arguments ''yyyy-MM-dd'': No matching method for class org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.udf.UDFFromUnixTime with (string, string). Possible choices: _FUNC_(bigint)  _FUNC_(bigint, string)  _FUNC_(int)  _FUNC_(int, string)

As you can view above i did cast 1465876799000 as string but it is giving error with possible choices are bigint,int.

Possible Query for your case:-

val df = sqlContext.sql("select from_unixtime(cast(timestamp as bigint),'YYYY-MM-dd') as 'ts' from stamp")


change data type in case class

case class flight(display_id: Int ,uuid:String, document_id :Int, timestamp:BigInt, platformgeo_location:String)val df = sqlContext.sql("select from_unixtime(timestamp,'YYYY-MM-dd') as 'ts' from stamp")

I have mentioned all the possible outputs above by testing them in hive shell by using datatypes as int,bigint.

You can pick which is best fit for your case.