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data monitoring dashboard from hdfs and hive

Expert Contributor



I am looking to develop a visualization dashboard from hdfs or hive tables in grafana, as far i found that it is used only for telemetry. is that true ? what are other options?


Master Collaborator

Grafana is a popular open-source platform for monitoring and observability, and it is commonly associated with telemetry data visualization, especially when integrated with time-series databases like Prometheus, InfluxDB, or Elasticsearch. However, Grafana is not limited to telemetry data visualization, and it can be used for a wide range of data sources, including HDFS and Hive tables.

Here are some options for using Grafana for data visualization beyond telemetry:

  1. Hive Data Sources: Grafana has built-in support for various data sources, and it offers plugins for connecting to databases and data lakes. You can configure Grafana to connect to Hive as a data source and visualize data stored in Hive tables.

  2. HDFS Data Sources: While Grafana primarily focuses on time-series data, you can still use it to visualize data stored in HDFS by connecting it to Hadoop-related data sources or by exporting HDFS data to another data store (e.g., Elasticsearch, InfluxDB) that Grafana supports.

  3. SQL Databases: Grafana can connect to traditional relational databases using SQL data sources. If you have data stored in SQL databases, you can use Grafana to create dashboards and visualizations.

  4. Log Data: Grafana can be used for log data analysis and visualization. You can integrate it with tools like Loki (for log aggregation) and explore log data in dashboards.

  5. Custom Plugins: If you have a unique data source or a specific format, you can develop custom data source plugins for Grafana to connect to your data and visualize it as needed.

  6. API Data: Grafana supports various data sources that expose data through APIs. You can connect to REST APIs, GraphQL APIs, and other web services to visualize data.

  7. Mixed Data Sources: Grafana allows you to create dashboards that combine data from multiple sources, making it versatile for various data visualization needs.

While Grafana is flexible and can be used for a wide range of data sources, it's important to consider the nature of your data and the specific visualization requirements. Depending on your use case, you may need to choose the most suitable data source, data format, and visualization options within Grafana to achieve your desired results.