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download CDH 5.10

New Contributor

Hello, I need to download CDH quickstart Vm 5.10, however the webpage ask me to put a modified url with an Username and password, however it seems it doesnt recognize mine (I am using the username that was emailed to me when creating my account), which other usernames could it refer to?

If it is not posible, are there other legal ways to download the quickstart?



Hi @Freschone 

May I ask why you need to download Quickstart VM based on CDH 5.10? Is this a classroom assignment?


As a general matter, Cloudera is no longer updating or making the Cloudera Quickstart VM available for download (and hasn't since March of 2020) because it was outdated and obsolete as the last version was based on CDH 5.13, which went out of support in the Fall of 2020.


The credentials to access the private repository where Cloudera is now distributing previous versions of CDH are not are not generally the same ones to access Cloudera's website or the Cloudera community. Employees of organizations with a valid Cloudera subscription can generate repository credentials from a CDH license key, and there is a full description of how to do this in the Cloudera Enterprise 6.x Release Notes here: Version, Packaging, and Download Information.



Bill Brooks, Community Moderator
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