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drop a column from csv


how can i drop column from csv 

i only want to keep one selected feild



Master Mentor

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Community Manager

@nishank_paras Can you provide some additional details for those who may be able to assist you. Specifically, what components (Spark, NiFi, etc.) are you trying to do this with?



Cy Jervis, Manager, Community Program
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i am new to this 

i have a csv file with three column name, IP, description 

i want to keep ip only and drop other

guide me to the best possible way

listfile ---> fetch file ----> ?? ----->putfile

also tell me the configuration settings if any


Technology - nifi



Community Manager

Thank you for the additional information. I have updated the labels for your question so those with an interest in Nifi will be more likely to find it. While you are waiting for someone to answer. Allow me to direct you to something you may not have noticed. 


On the right side of this page you should see a list of recommendations.

Screen Shot 2020-02-03 at 9.38.49 AM.png

At the top for me is one that may be of interest with the subject of How to delete a row/drop a column in nifi.

There may be other links of assistance listed as well. 

Cy Jervis, Manager, Community Program
Was your question answered? Make sure to mark the answer as the accepted solution.
If you find a reply useful, say thanks by clicking on the thumbs up button.


How to delete a row/drop a column in nifi

this is not helping as the configuration are not clear i'm new to this kindly guide if there is any better way

this solution is referencing to the nifi documentation


Master Mentor



Without an example input and desired output file, It is difficult to provide an exact solution.
However, you may want to consider using the ReplaceText processor in NiFi.


This processor can be configured with a java regular expression that uses java capture groups to parse your csv file line by line and then use the capture group to replace that lien with only the desired column value.

Just make sure you configure the processor to use "Line-by-Line" instead of the default "Entire text".

Hope this helps you get to a solution that works for you,



what regex should i use in replace text i have csv in given format

Date, IP, Description


and i want to keep IP only


Master Mentor

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