Hello - i've a HDP 2.5 cluster (8 node), and i'm trying to enable SSL/TLS for HDFS .. using the following link -> http://docs.hortonworks.com/HDPDocuments/HDP2/HDP-2.4.3/bk_Security_Guide/content/ch_wire-https.html
i'm trying to create the hostkey using the following command ->
keytool -keystore /etc/security/clientKeys/keystore.jks -genkey -alias nwk8
The client key -> /etc/security/clientKeys/keystore.jks is the default entry in file -> /etc/hadoop/
This is not available ..
Have some basic questions (since i dont think i understand this yet) - which .jks file should i use ? is that something i get from CA ? What if i use OpenSSL ?
Any inputs on this would be appreciated.