I'm trying to create a partitioned parquet table based on an existing table. I'll create a partition column "txn_date" based on a timestamp string column in the original table. Below is my code:
create table if not exists new_table_part_by_txndate partitioned by (txn_date string) stored as parquet location '/sandbox/my_dir/new_table_part_by_txndate' as (select *, substr(time_stamp_col, 1,10) as txn_date from original_table);
but I get error: "ERROR: AnalysisException: Syntax error in line 1: ......Encountered: AS Expected"
I then tried to create the table first without loading data:
create table if not exists new_table_part_by_txndate like original_small_with_txndate partitioned by (txn_date string) sotred as parquet location '/sandbox/my_dir/new_table_part_by_txndate';
then I get error: "ERROR: AnalysisException: Syntax error in line 1:.......Encountered: PARTITIONED Expected: COMMENT, LOCATION, STORED"
please help