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error when creating parcel to connect from GCS to cloudera


hi after running the file and copying the .parcel and .parcel.sha file to cloudera i get the following error


error Error when distributing to serverxxx.local [Errno 20] Not a directory u'opt/cloudera/parcels/GCSCONNECTOR-3.0.0xxx.sha/meta/parcel.json'




error Error when distributing to serverxxx.local [Errno 20] Not a directory u'opt/cloudera/parcels/GCSCONNECTOR-3.0.0xxx.parcel/meta/parcel.json'


Community Manager

@intelia_liem, Welcome to our community! To help you get the best possible answer, I have tagged in our Cloudera Manager experts @rki_ @vamsi_redd @khanarshadazmat who may be able to assist you further.


Please feel free to provide any additional information or details about your query, and we hope you will find a satisfactory solution to your question.


Vidya Sargur,
Community Manager

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Expert Contributor

Hi @intelia_liem,


Cloudera Manager expects a specific directory and file structure in the "/opt/cloudera/parcels" directory (sample below).  There might be  .parcel and .sha files in the "/opt/cloudera/parcels" directory, these files should only be in the "/opt/cloudera/parcel-repo/" directory (as appropriate).


Please  remove .sha and .parcel files from the "/opt/cloudera/parcels" directory.


Hi @vamsi_redd 


Thank you for your help... originally i only had  /opt/cloudera/parcels / folder  so i created the  /parcel-repo/ folder manually and put the two files in there. I then went to to refresh the parcel parcels  page on cloud manager but it didnt appear. Hence i thought i would put it under /opt/cloudera/parcels instead. i will delete the two files from  /opt/cloudera/parcels and put them back in  /opt/cloudera/parcels/parcel-repo/ but do u know why it doesnt appear when i click check for new parcels? thanks!

Expert Contributor

Hi @intelia_liem


I'm trying to check this behaviour in my cluster but it didn't happen the way. Can you follow the suggestion and let me know if the installation is working.


Untitled.pngUntitled2.pngThanks @vamsi_redd yes i did we you suggested. I have deleted the two .parcel and .sha files from

/opt/cloudera/parcels and put them into /opt/cloudera/parcel-repo but they don't appear when i check for new parcels. Is there any logs i can check? 


@vamsi_redd heres a screenshot of my parcels page
