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falcon instance input start end now(0,0) not accepted

Rising Star

The tutorial says to use "now(0,0)" as the instance times, this is rejected with exception "start instance is before start of feed". What does "now(0,0)" mean, and what would be the proper value use? I suspect this is some kind of time relative to the current time. I searched for help on what "now(0,0)" means and didn't find anything.


Rising Star

Hi Michael .... I guess we need to fix up the tutorials. Now(0,0) means immediately and the Validity Start is set to a later date/time . The short fix, instead of entering now(0,) is to enter a date time maybe 10 minutes in the future. I'll check out the tutorials and get them fixed.

View solution in original post


Master Guru

@michael klybor documentation available here.

Falcon currently support following ELs:

  • 1. now(hours,minutes): now refer to the instance start time. Hours and minutes given are in reference with the start time of instance. For example now(-2,40) corresponds to feed instance at -2 hr and +40 minutes i.e. feed instance 80 mins before the instance start time. Id user would have given now(0,-80) it would have correspond to the same.
  • 2. today(hours,minutes): hours and minutes given in this EL corresponds to instance from the start day of instance start time. Ie. If instance start is at 2010-01-02T01:30Z then today(-3,-20) will mean instance created at 2010-01-01T20:40 and today(3,20) will correspond to 2010-01-02T3:20Z.
  • 3. yesterday(hours,minutes): As the name suggest EL yesterday picks up feed instances with respect to start of day yesterday. Hours and minutes are added to the 00 hours starting yesterday, Example: yesterday(24,30) will actually correspond to 00:30 am of today, for 2010-01-02T01:30Z this would mean 2010-01-02:00:30 feed.
  • 7. lastYear(month,day,hour,minute): This is exactly similarly to currentYear in usage> only difference being start reference is taken to start of previous year. For example: lastYear(4,2,2,20) will correspond to feed instance created at 2009-05-03T02:20Z and lastYear(12,2,2,20) will correspond to feed at 2010-01-03T02:20Z.
  • 4. currentMonth(day,hour,minute): Current month takes the reference to start of the month with respect to instance start time. One thing to keep in mind is that day is added to the first day of the month. So the value of day is the number of days you want to add to the first day of the month. For example: for instance start time 2010-01-12T01:30Z and El as currentMonth(3,2,40) will correspond to feed created at 2010-01-04T02:40Z and currentMonth(0,0,0) will mean 2010-01-01T00:00Z.
  • 5. lastMonth(day,hour,minute): Parameters for lastMonth is same as currentMonth, only difference being the reference is shifted to one month back. For instance start 2010-01-12T01:30Z lastMonth(2,3,30) will correspond to feed instance at 2009-12-03:T03:30Z
  • 6. currentYear(month,day,hour,minute): The month,day,hour, minutes in the parameter are added with reference to the start of year of instance start time. For our example start time 2010-01-02:00:30 reference will go back to 2010-01-01:T00:00Z. Also similar to days, months are added to the 1st month that Jan. So currentYear(0,2,2,20) will mean 2010-01-03T02:20Z while currentYear(11,2,2,20) will mean 2010-12-03T02:20Z
  • 7. lastYear(month,day,hour,minute): This is exactly similarly to currentYear in usage> only difference being start reference is taken to start of previous year. For example: lastYear(4,2,2,20) will corrospond to feed insatnce created at 2009-05-03T02:20Z and lastYear(12,2,2,20) will corrospond to feed at 2010-01-03T02:20Z.
  • 8. latest(number of latest instance): This will simply make you input consider the number of latest available instance of the feed given as parameter. For example: latest(0) will consider the last available instance of feed, where as latest latest(-1) will consider second last available feed and latest(-3) will consider 4th last available feed.
  • 9. currentWeek(weekDayName,hour,minute): This is similar to currentMonth in the sense that it returns a relative time with respect to the instance start time, considering the day name provided as input as the start of the week. The day names can be one of SUN, MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT.
  • 10. lastWeek(weekDayName,hour,minute): This is typically 7 days less than what the currentWeek returns for similar parameters.

Rising Star

Hi Michael .... I guess we need to fix up the tutorials. Now(0,0) means immediately and the Validity Start is set to a later date/time . The short fix, instead of entering now(0,) is to enter a date time maybe 10 minutes in the future. I'll check out the tutorials and get them fixed.

Rising Star

thanks! that's what I was trying to do but couldn't figure out the right syntax.

Rising Star

I got now(72,0) to work. don't know the ramifications....