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fetchS3 processor is giving error:-The AWS Access Key Id you provided does not exist in our records. (Service: Amazon s3; Status Code:403)

New Contributor

I have a started minIo server using the below docker compose file, after that I have created a bucket and uploaded few files, I have a nifi template where I have listS3 processor and fetchS3 processor, with lists3 processor I am able to fetch the objects present in s3,but fetch S3 is not working,getting the error mentioned in title of the post even after giving the same acess key and secret key as used in S3. I am using minio server as an alternate to AWS. PFA image for your reference. Can anyone please help as it is very urgent, went through several posts on internet but could not come up with a solution.Screenshot from 2020-12-18 10-57-26.png



docker compose file to start minIO serverdocker compose file to start minIO server


New Contributor

Facing the same issue. Did anyone find a solution to connect nifi with minio