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get Impala running queries from cli

New Contributor

Hi guys,


I'm looking for a way to kill impala queries that runs more than X hours in our cluster. 

Because there is no built in way, we thought of several ways: 

we want to get all queries in flight (or from every coordinator or from all of them together - doesn't matter).

is there a way to do it and get the duration of each query? via the impala-shell/api?


we can easily write a python/ bash script that uses the way but we don't know a way to get all running queries duration. 

Thank you! 



Super Collaborator

Hello @michalm_ 


Thanks for using Cloudera Community. While I haven't performed such Task, I wish to check if you have reviewed the 3rd Party Script via [1], which uses a Use-Defined Time to find Impala Queries & optionally, Kill them as well. Let us know if it helps. 


- Smarak




Expert Contributor



You may refer below doc, describing about Cloudera Manager API: Impala QueriesResources

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